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Does anyone else think NeoCash is expensive?



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  1. 1. Do you think NC is expensive?

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Yes, it's way too expensive. I was thinking about getting some NeoCash so I could have some nice backgrounds and clothes, but then when I calculated it I realized how ridiculous the prices are. It's not worth it unless you're rich and can throw away money.

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YES, YES, YES!!!! NC is WAY too expensive! Especially, since neo is such a kid friendly site, so they say! I too understand it helps to pay for things, but I think each virtual item is expensive. The trading system for it is even worse! For a $10 card, I think we should get at least triple if not quadruple the number items!

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I agree that the items are WAY overpriced, but ... as long as people are buying them, it is NOT going to change. And I know plenty of people that seem to buy every new thing that comes out. Seriously, I don't know how they can afford it!

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i know! honestly, its ridiculously expensive and i cant stand it because there is no other way i can dress my pet without using real money! Really, its getting quit ridiculous and it angers me because you have to use real money.

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NC isn't expensive at all. It's actually a pretty good deal imo. Also, you don't have to buy NC to dress your neopet. The site offers a lot of clothing items you can buy with neopoints. I'm pretty sure you guys waste money on other useless junk, so I don't see why so many people are complaining about neocash. And the Qasalan Expellibox gives you a chance of getting neocash everyday and neopets does give free neocash items occasionally. That's pretty nice.

Plus, didn't neocash items expire after a few months originally? They changed it so they would last forever. (Which was a great move and made NC items more valuable.)

So to everyone who thinks NC is bad and evil and it should be free or whatever.

-If you think you need NC to have a good time on neopets get off neopets.

-NC mall is a great way to make money.

-They want money.

-Deal with it.

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The site offers a lot of clothing items you can buy with neopoints.


Before anyone calls me a hypocrite since my pets have clothing while I'm anti-NC *holds picket sign*, my clothing is done by using NPs. There's a petpage that shows all the items that you can get with NPs. It's right here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have a lot of strong feelings regarding NeoCash. I've played Neopets for about six years and NOT using NeoCash really doesn't keep me from participating in anything that I want to! So...if it helps the site to run, more power to them. But, if you think it's expensive (which is what the question was, and what I think), then Neopets still works just fine without it!

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When I'm at the NC mall I always think about how much the pixels cost in real money.. but I guess I never thought about the fact that it's just pixels and I don't get to keep the 'object' if something happened to my account or to neopets...


Yes, I was so outraged when my account got frozen for no reason and I had about $300+ invested in it. I think that might be one of the things that sped up the unfreezing, thank goodness.


I was excited about the new game challenge and was going to buy NC tickets.. then I saw the price. 200 for ONE game??? Are they insane?? If it's something I must have (I'll look on another site to see what it is first) then MAYBE. Cmon Neopets, you're bleeding your paying customers dry here!

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I don't think they are too expensive. I'm a student so I'm used to eating noodles for dinner for example haha.

The things in the mall are really good designs, they look really nice compared to the NP clothes.

I like the fact that not every body has them. Only if you're prepared to pay $.

I don't mind paying money for something like that, even if you don't come back, it was fun for the time =] - you spend lots of $ every day for things that don't last =P


I haven't been on in a while so can't comment on the site event things. I'm not sure what they are!


But yeah I do think its a shame that its so commercialised these days, I remember back in 2001 when you'd talk to Adam and Donna on the boards!

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NC helps support all of them. So you should either buy NC in moderation if you can, or watch all of those slowly fall into nothing


Okay, I'm sorry, but all those TV stations AND Paramount make millions of dollars. Advertisements, movie tickets, box-office items, they are expensive, and the NC? That's like a drop of water in the ocean, so yes, I think NC is ridiculous. The NC items I have I paid for with free NC or got gifted by a friend. Yeah the items are nice and yeah the event items are fun but paying out real money? No thank you! I have enough trouble feeding myself let alone handing money to rich sleezebags who have nothing better to do than take little kids allowance money.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I got into this Neocash phase for a week where I wanted to buy a lot of stuff from the NC mall :X (ended up spending $20 or so, kind of regretted it because the stuff wasn't good enough to warrant such a hefty price). It wasn't too big of a loss though since I hardly buy anything irl anyways.


Now I think that only Valentines-themed items are worth it, so I'm not spending anymore until next February, at the very least!

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Guest Yoshinho

Actually compared to other places, it is not so bad. Especially since you can get many backgrounds free with the events TNT has these days. I got 2 backgrounds without wasting 1 cent. Why? I was in many site events and plots. That can be 1 way


TNT can maybe lower the price to 1.50 or 1 dollar.

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I actually think neocash is o.k. As a web developer myself, and having developed several of my own rpg/pet games, I can understand where advertising might not always be so successful with younger users. Ads are mostly targeted to people old than 20-25 years of age since this older group holds the people with the largest incomes. I've had "Cash Shops" on my own games before and found that they were so successful that I could actually remove the advertisements; which in turn even increased "Cash Shop" sales. Plus, I really think TNT was very spot on with most of their pricing. Sure, some of the tickets can be a little pricey, but it helps TNT pay staffers more which increases quality, and helps them purchase more and better servers. The only thing I don't like about NC is that you still can't get premium with it. I would love to get premium with NC, but I really can't see buying it with a credit card since in all likeliness I'll probably forget to cancel in the event that I really just didn't see any benefits in it.

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  • 1 month later...

It's not as bad as premium. I think that is 60 bucks a year give or take. By comparison, 10 bucks for enough wearables for 1 pet isn't that bad.


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