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Hey all. I'm Elle (or Srat or just plain Rat, I'm not picky about names). New to these forums, although I suppose that goes without saying. I started playing Neopets waywayway back in the day when Bruce was a human not a penguinesque thing, although didn't really get into it until two and a half years ago. I did stop for a few months, but I started up playing again and am completely hooked once more! (Although, I am currently in the frustrating process of waiting for my new account to be four months old so I can transfer my Neopets to it, since I have no desire to keep to my old account.) =)


Outside of Neopets, I am a seamstress/corsetière/costumer, and go to community college for graphic design for fun. I also love horror movies, acting, shadowcasting, circus performance (I do some fire-breathing, contortion, and what-not), roller derby, and hiking.


Nice to meet you all!

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Hi Elle,


Welcome, from another newbie/derby fan. Those are some pretty fascinating interests you have (especially the seamstressing). Have you done any recent shadowcasting?

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And, yup, I have done recent shadowcasting--at the moment I play Shilo in a Repo! the Genetic Opera cast.


I would actually say being a seamstress is the least interesting of what I do (not that I don't love it). Granted, it's probably the most practical.

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Wow, no kidding? I *love* Repo! I got to see one of the road tours when it came through town here. You must be super-talented to portray Shilo.


You're a really interesting person. I'm glad I popped into this thread. :)

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Shilo actually isn't that hard to portray. I joke during rehearsals a lot that all I do is furrow my eyebrows and look confused. Although people do say I preform one of the best Seventeens. =) I've also been a henchgirl once for another cast, although it was an emergency replacement during a theme night.


I never got to see Repo! on a road tour. I'm jealous! I did get harassed by Terrance Zdunich for an entire weekend once, and although that's hardly something to brag about, it's probably the closest I'll ever get to a road tour.

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This greeting is gonna be a bit rushed, for I am at school. Sorry. Anywho, welcome to TDNForums! I hope you enjoy it here!



To make sure that you do, here are a few simple rules:

1. Read the rules. Follow them. Happy mods are awesome mods.

2. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. You can PM someone or start a thread. That's what we're here for. =]

3. We're insane. Accept it. Join it.

4. Get active and stay active. It's sad when people disappear. =[

5. Be respectful and have fun!


The name's Livvy. Snack table to your left. Watch your toes.

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