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ive spent hours on this sight looking at how to borrow an avatar item, it usually says the item is being borrowed and i cant find an address to post to see if i can borrow it, there all pinned or something so you cant do anything on them, i go around in circles looking at them from forum to lending to rules to forum to lending they all join together but never get anywhere kinda frustrating really, is the some tab i havnt acctivated ? or is it a secret society with drop your trousers and cough 3 times with your finger up your nose or something because you know id do it. i still have a look now and again but i usually just buy the things for the avies in the end, ive got a slorg and harris just matured and i lent them all to my neopet friends through the pound, i also bought a mootix and put it on my bunny that my jetsam has although when the jetsam gets hungry he threatens to eat the bunny :( i dont mind lending these things to tdn as long as i can use them as colat at the same time, but ive got over 10 million in np so i could use that as well. Its just a case of finding out how to do it and i never have with all the searching ive done on here


yep i remember reading that and clicking on the link to see where it takes me and it took me to the forums to start the merry go round all over again, there isnt an address for tdn alp for me to send to, your reffering to the bit that says Send an application to our forums account, TDN Avatar Lending, i cant find a forums account tdn avatar lending and i dont have a button that says send application


It looks like when the forum was updated, the link to PM TDN ALP got borked. Clicking on the link didn't work for me either. I'm sure it's due to a change in how PMs work.


What I did, was search the TDN Avatar Lending user, to get to their profile. Then I sent a message from there.


yeah i can search a user and go straight to them and ask but most of them say staff or something you cant search, but that is an option to try on some thanx although since its not official it might get ignored and it does kind of defeat tdn policy


They tell you in the rules, to send a private message to that name.


"When applying for an item, send a PM to TDN Avatar Lending"


yep thats still no help, what address is tdn avatar lending and if i dont know that how can i send them a pm, i dont have anywhere on my page that says send pm to, say i wanted to borrow zdap it says on the the avatar needed screen click here to find out more, so i click there then it says this topic is locked you canot post you cannot do anything.

there is one place to look, have you read the lending rules, so i click that and read the rules nowhere is there there anyperson or address to send an application to borrow anything, no way is there to send a pm, there is a button that says tdn avatar lending but it goes to the forums if i click it so thats no help i have never ever seen that message that says wellcome to your messenger ive never sent a private message on here and dont know how to these are the things i want to find out and i cant find them written down anywhere.


yeah that certainly looks like what im after thanks... so i can use that to ask for any of the items i want to borrow can i ? thats a generic form for all avatar lending stuff or are there indevidual ppl as well ?

i downloaded that now so i can just refer to it when its needed :)


If I understand you, you want a direct link.




This is the direct link to PM TDN Avatar Lending.

This link works, but the link that is actually in the ALP Procedures redirects to the forum mainpage.

  • 3 weeks later...

I have corrected the link in the Item Lending Procedure topic. It now works.


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