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Finding Painted Pets


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I never thought about painted pets being put into the pound, until I read an article about people with the lab map, purposefully adopting average pets, to zap them, then putting them back in, in the hopes they'll get re-adopted.


Today, I started searching the pound and I was surprised with the number of painted pets I came across, including: Skunk Shoyru, Snow Buzz, Magma Yurble, Electic Jubjub, and a Shadow Kacheek.


Has anyone found some extremely rare painted pets in the pound? Like any Faerie, Island, or Maraquan pets?

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You can't see Magma pets in the Pound, I thought. o.O


I think the best I've ever seen on this account was a Desert Grarrl, and that was during the 9/9/09 thing, when people were pounding their rare painted pets to create a Draik.


The best I have EVER seen, however, was a Mutant Draik, and that was back in the old Pound, when there was no transfer. I think I saw a couple Maraquan pets then, too.

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I wish I had gotten the Snow Buzz. My husband really wanted one. I hadn't even though of it being an avatar pet until later.


I've been surfing the pound for an hour or so now, and I haven't seen any pets recently.


And as for the Magma pets, I never heard that you couldn't pound them. If that was the case, it must not be anymore... though that was the only Magma pet I've seen in there today.

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It's normal xD. I used to adopt pets, zap and pound them LOL. Well, I saw several mara pets so far... Never managed to snag one though xD. Saw a faerie cy once but didn't get it either... There are quite a few nice pets which I've seen so far. Pound surfing is a wonderful pastime!

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Oh yes! Search the pound at midnight NST. There are a lot of people who throw away 'bad' zaps.

I usually surf around that time and have adopted a Sponge pet, a Zombie pet, a Rainbow pet, a Desert pet and a Halloween pet, all decently named :D

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I've picked up a Shadow Kacheek with a Rainbow Noil petpet (zapped of course) and a Skunk Shoyru.


I'm going to be adopting to zap as well, since I think it's a really awesome idea, but I just got the lab ray last week, so I'm doing my first pet for me. haha

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I put my zapped pets in the pound once they have had a cool colour change. I zapped a kacheek into Faerie the other day, it was someone's dreamy in the dream pets forum but they didn't want him so I pounded him.

So far I have pounded:

Pink Kacheek

Haloween Lenny

Mutant Tuskaninny

Shadow Blumaroo

Christmas Grundo

Faerie Kacheek.


Hopefully less experienced neo players are getting them and not just greedy people wanting to ontrade them for something else.

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That's part of the reason I'm doing it. When I adopted a couple painted pets, I checked the listing here, to see if what I adopted was anyones Dream Pet. So far, they haven't been. But I will keep looking.

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Awww you have a pink Acara? I've been scouring the Pound for a pink pet for the avatar. When that wasn't going well, I was going to get a pink PB and paint a Shoyru. That way I could get the avvie, then I could put the Valentine's NC Mall wings on her, that my husband got me. But pink PB's are expensive!

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I'm considering pounding my Faerie Techo soon, actually. :P Nobody wants her.


I've pounded a Fire Bori, Fire Wocky, Mutant Blumaroo, and Tyrannian Elephante, and that's all I know.

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I saw a Green Chia in the pound tonight but passed it up

Uh. . . but Chias are common. o.O It's the fruit and vegetable Chias, like Pepper, Gooseberry, and such that are rare.

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I saw an odd pet today... First I thought my eyes were deceiving me, but then I got it was true.




The image never loaded up, and when I tried to adopt it I got the error message 'Pet does not exist'.


Anyone ever had that before?


Btw, the pet really exists:



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