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I've just recently discovered the referral program... how do I get people to refer me? just put a link on my myspace or something? anyone with creative ideas? :(


Get all your friends to sign up (if they haven't already), or if you've got a webpage put the referral banner on it.


Maybe visit forums not related to neopets and have the referral link in your signature. Thats all I can think of, anyone else have any ideas?


yeah. I made some side accounts, but only one of them showed up in my referrals list. I IMed this guy I met from my naruto forum(which I color for) and he signed up for me... but I felt kinda stupid... cuz... well... I'm 17... and yea


I just put the link on my userlookups on other forums / communities and explain a little bit about Neopets... and yeah, I'm about your age but I don't care.


One referral gets you np and codestones....

Best recommendation I can make is put up some info in your shop, and be a good restocker so you get people coming and buying things....and then they might neomail you and ask "What's premium?" etc. I've only gotten one person to actually stay past the 2 weeks, the rest have either not signed up or left before 2 weeks. I really want the lucky space faerie charm so let's hope I get more :)

Good luck!

Btw, I'm 26 and not ashamed to be playing neopets still! :P


Its what you have to pay for to get extra neopets stuff such as scratchcards, codestones, and you get to beta test games, well there are a bunch of different stuff you get, search on neopets for everyone!


It's 7.99 a month and there are many benefits, but none that really unbalance the game. The best is the super shop wizard imo. I myself pay 7.99 a month...that's really not a lot in Norway (things are more expensive in Norway than in the USA).

It's 7.99 a month and there are many benefits, but none that really unbalance the game. The best is the super shop wizard imo. I myself pay 7.99 a month...that's really not a lot in Norway (things are more expensive in Norway than in the USA).


Norway? Hi neighbour :P

Anyway, what's the currency at again? If i'm not totally of bounds 1 SEK was worth about 7 USD.


We use kroners.....6 norweigan kroners is like 1 dollar, it varies a bit though. But for example a pack of gum costs 8-15 krs, and milk costs 10-20 for 1 liter. Cigarettes cost 60 krs a pack (10 us dollars) and one half liter of beer costs between 19-35 krs. Quite expensive comparetivley, but considering we have almost free health care, a great social system for the unemplyed and physically/psychologically impaired, its pretty ok. We have the highest standard of living in Europe, if I'm not mistaken.

Of course, I myself am half Italian half Norwegian, born and raised in the USA (mostly Minnesota and Chicago, IL). But I've been living here for 6 years or so now, and I like not seeing homeless people on the streets, and the way people are taken care of.

So where are you from arrogance?

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