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Has the CGer issue been fixed yet?

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Yeah, a while back when the CGer outbreak first began, I stopped going to hops, period. Well, I was wondering if TNT patched the CGers yet in shops and petpages. Anyone know?



I also want to know about the one in neomails.


I haven't been seeing too many stories of CGers lately. You should still be careful, but you can most likely trust the boards now


Yeah, i've already eased myself back into going to the boards. I have yet to click a board with less than 10 posts though since the CGers became an issue.


About the shopping, I'd say you could. Just if you see a really really low price, like an almost impossible one, I'd advise staying away


I'm nowhere near code-literate enough to check for myself, unfortunately. But I did just see a person on the NC board saying their main had been CG'ed onsite. It's always possible they're lying of course, but I'd say they're still out there. And even if TNT does patch the most current hole, scum like that will *always* find new ones eventually, there's no winning an arms race. :P


It kinda stinks, but I don't think I'll ever visit a user-editable area of the site again on my main, unless I really know/trust who it belongs to. It makes some aspects of the site more frustrating, but I just don't want to go through that again. If it helps: when I really need to go to a user shop or whatever, I send NPs to a side (the one I would be least sad about losing), log in to it on my other browser, and buy the item there -- TNT has confirmed in an editorial that it's not against the rules to buy things from a user's shop on a side, so it should be fine that way. So then, if you do hit a CG you're only out a side, instead of your main; and as long as you don't have the same password for both accounts (which I would hope you wouldn't ;)), your main should be safe. Also, there are plenty of things you don't even need to be logged in to look at -- if I want to visit a petpage to see what NC items someone is trading, for example, I'll type the address into my other browser and look there. The neomails thing is actually probably the scariest to me, as I would never have thought that would be something people could use before the latest fiasco; I just delete them without opening unless it's a NF or I know the person has a specific reason to be mailing me (again, usually in the context of NC trading.) It may seem extreme, but after losing an account that would have been 6 years old in April to an onsite CGer, I can't help but be paranoid. :P So...my rambling thoughts on the matter, for what it's worth. ^_^


Thanks guys. ^^


I guess though that this means i'll be hiding under my bed until it get's patched.


About the shopping, I'd say you could. Just if you see a really really low price, like an almost impossible one, I'd advise staying away


Yeah this is pretty much the logic I follow. It may be a great bargain but not worth the risk. I also haven't really heard any bad stories lately in regards to cger's so hopefully the problem has been mostly fixed.

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