Viridian Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 There's this story I have to get off my chest here... Nobody knows him here, but there's this boy called Daniel who is my ex-boyfriend. Ever since we broke up he has not been able to accept it. (this was over 1.5 years ago) He has been trying to email me and get in contact with me through several sites including my land before time forum, deviantart, youtube, and mailing me on any email-address he could find. In the beginning he was also calling me on my cell phone 24/7, usually at night which woke me up. I switched cell phone companies though since they did not want to ban his phone number. Now, he had been quiet for 4 or 5 months. Sadly enough, I once posted my full name on this forum. Just once, because I signed up for a referral program under that name. And I got quoted with my full name for a thank you message. After a week or something, I realized I shouldn't have put my full name in there, and decided to remove it in case he was searching for me, still. The quote, however, remained. Now, I know it's my own fault for not messaging this person to remove my name from the quote. Guess I just did not expect him to find me that way. Recently I got this email from him, on my new email address that he basically CANNOT know. Sadly enough I also know I posted it when I posted my staff application. It bothers and kind of scares me that he browsed the whole forum just to find my email address and mail me again. So I would just like to know, and ask the admins as well, if we have anyone as a registered member that might be him. Because in that case, either I or him will leave. I will leave his personal details out for now. But if the admins would be so kind to tell me that they would agree on finding if there's anyone like him on the forum, I will give his information to them through a PM or something. Thanks for listening .. :(
celticheavens Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 Ah.. I'm in the same boat as you, just that my ex wouldn't dare to hound me knowing how bad tempered and aggressive I can be :P (Ever tried going up against someone who knows martial arts XD) Is the breakup 'clean'? You should tell him straight and all, make it clear, be firm, get it into his thick head that you just aren't interested anymore. I was silly enough not to do that when I broke up with mine YEARS ago so I ended up having him occasionally hounding me and even another confession last year. Rather stressful emotionally if you ask me. You really shouldn't have posted such info online in an open arena if you know how bent he is on finding and contacting you. =/ Always keep such info private if you want to lurk around and not be seen.. I'm not an admin so I can't advise you on the last segment of your message but good luck dealing with the drama. Breakups are terrible, on both sides. @_@.
jlsn2002 Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 This really sucks... Lol, celtic's ex-bf even tried getting to her through her friends *cough*, including me. Needless to say, I didn't help him :P. Gd luck with clearing the matter! I hope it resolves the matter in a way that allows you to move around freely on the web, instead of 'sneaking around' and being afraid of putting real info up! :)
Viridian Posted January 8, 2010 Author Posted January 8, 2010 This really sucks... Lol, celtic's ex-bf even tried getting to her through her friends That happened quite enough with me too. Through facebook and youtube he found my friends and family and even called some through the phone book. Rather scary if you ask me. And yes, he clearly knows it's over. After all he also knows I've had another boyfriend for 1.5 years (and he claims to be much better than the boyfriend I have now). Thing is he just needs me and thinks I need him too, which I don't. For my part he can drop dead, I wouldn't have any problems with that. A mod has already contacted me... The issue can't be solved completely, but at least I might be able to still ignore him.
Nyssa Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 Wow that really sucks. Can't really say anything else.. I hope this gets sorted out for you and good luck :(
tempdisplay Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 You should report him. Like is there an Internet police or something because that is weird. Please don't leave us :( Good Luck with this predicament.
celticheavens Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 LOL jlsn, thank goodness you didn't or else... >:K Well, if he *is* really cause that much inconvenience and problems in your life, as a last resort and most drastic measure, you can report it to the police as harassment... I wouldn't advise it though, as that may trigger some aggression from your ex. You can always drill it to him that you are happy now without him and are perfectly blissful in your relationship. If he doesn't want to settle it quietly.. *points to 2nd sentence* At least you can 'ignore' him here. I guess what jlsn said is right too. No use hiding etc. But do understand the Internet is a public domain so the 'risk' is yours. You can always permanently block him on all emails/IMs/forums etc... XD
Jikuu Posted January 8, 2010 Posted January 8, 2010 If it ever gets to be too much in real life, there are always restraining orders. This happened to my mother a long time ago. The guy would stalk her in his car and send inappropriate letters about how God meant for them to be together. She got a permanent restraining order against him. This is a method used when he's starting to become a true threat rather than a nuisance. I'd have to agree with everyone else that you should block him when possible. Honestly, if he hasn't realized in a year and a half that it's over, there's probably something wrong with his brain.
Viridian Posted January 8, 2010 Author Posted January 8, 2010 Yea. I am blocking him from anything that is possible. It's also the main purpose of this topic, I'd like to find out if I need to block anyone on this forum (or if he can be banned if it isn't a known, active member).
arielo_o Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 Awww I feel for you. I have no intention of being mean here, but some people need to get help, when you really can't get over someone that bad and begin looking like a stalker it's just really freaky and sad. I know two friends in that situation, and they are the ones who can't over their ex's, it pains me to see both of them hope and trying to keep in touch, calling and writing... going to university in the same program and the loved one. Seriously they are two really great persons, they just need help, professional help and help from friends and family. I'm sure you ex must also be a good person, the best in this situation is to make thing really clear and then ignoring them completely, eventually it will go away.
Viridian Posted February 4, 2010 Author Posted February 4, 2010 Thank you. I once thought he was a good person, so I guess he must be. He must try to show it once though.
flyingeevee Posted February 4, 2010 Posted February 4, 2010 Man I just saw an episode of Unsolved Mysteries about something like this like a few hours ago...not gonna go into further detail xD Sorry to hear about such a person that is really trying to keep in touch with you in a scary way :( I hope everything gets settled down and hope you don't leave us! ;_;
-Ryan Posted February 4, 2010 Posted February 4, 2010 I'm pretty sure they have asylums for people like him...
Hades Posted May 14, 2010 Posted May 14, 2010 This guy sounds mentally challenged... o_O Maybe he is a good person but delusional, but be adamant in keeping him away from your life and blocking him, hopefully it doesn't get to the point of needing a restraining order :( sorry about your situation, it must be pretty annoying and/or stressful. =/ This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Anime) because of a violation of the forum rules. Do not post on tooics that have been inactive for more thna three weeks. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules. Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Anime if you have any questions regarding this action.
Mimii Posted May 14, 2010 Posted May 14, 2010 You need to call the local police first of all. He is harassing you to the point where you feel "endangered" and that's against the law. You can also get a restraining order and I believe that applies for online activity as well. No need to change your identity over this, just ask for help. Don't ever let someone treat you this way or make you feel helpless. If he does, he is winning. You must be stronger than this. You can do it. :)
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