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The Forbidden Letter Game

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Siggy's do not count in the forbidden letter post though, so she is not in trouble for it. I dislike vowels when I get them too...they tend to be difficult to write without using one in specific. However, when done properly, the end result is often excellent in terms of things done.

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Nice work with that extremely difficult word, and thank you very much for clarifying. I assume that this will no longer happen in the future, for i am corrected and informed of this mishap. :D

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It would be rather amusing to apply this word game to a game of the greatest RTS ever made, where random hotkeys would be disabled for random periods of time. xD

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Just so you all know, you are all in big trouble for allowing Polly to get away with using the letter Y. Notice the past tense of "play" in her post. Which means, that, TECHNICALLY, I must be using the letter she, as well as the rest of you, fail to notice in her post. However, since the alphabet has gotten thus far, I will merely point it out.

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Hmm... I hold that I'm not significantly at fault for this, as a standard condition of all individual participants scanning only a post upwards should work to maintain this topic in all validity.

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I love how no one wanted to attempt the letter E. It's not really all that hard to avoid, assuming your vocabulary is expanded to the point where you know many more words than the average adult does in this current year. So poor letter E had to sit there and wait until AA came along to save it.

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Well, I'm happy that it decided to wait for me to arrive - I finally received another chance to meet it! :D

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We're very fortunate that there was no need to dodge the foremost letter of the alphabet there. :P

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I very much agree with that statement. Had he tried to post so many A's while being told to avoid that particular letter, he would have been sorely disappointed. I got a new, airline approved pet bag for my cat for only 12.99 today. :D

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Well, congratulations to her then! I just had to spend about a hundred US dollars or so on a new (non-faulty, hopefully) laptop battery.

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Frankly, battery tech is an area which seems insufficiently advanced when matched against the digital age. I wish that many pending advancements might hurry it up a bit.

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Oh, I very much agree with you. I find myself very distraught over the ever decreasing life of my battery when taken against the life time of my electronic devices. The batteries never last as long as advertised, and the advertised time is not very long at all, when you take into account that you would like to be able to use a music device for longer than, say, 6 hours if you are going on a very long travel.

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Indeed. The only thing battery manufacturers seem to be doing about this is adjusting their battery testing methods to make them seem higher capacity. Most modern battery tests are roughly the same as testing the fuel efficiency of a car by rolling it down a hill.

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They must have an efficient way of testing the things and just don't use it. Why give the human buying the advantage of long life of the device when they can make a ton of money by compelling acquisition of backups.

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Unfortunately, there are far too many gullible people in the world of today. :(

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All that needs to be done to obtain evidence of this condition is glance at the spam folder of my email inbox. :( On a brighter note, it appears that I have managed to claim all the vowels in this cycle of the game, save the first.

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I just finished watching "Thank You For Smoking". It was a most entertaining film. My cats did not deign to watch with be, but rather chose to play merrily in the shower, or in an assortment of boxes and paper bags for the entire duration of the film. I was most impressed by the presentation of the plot and characters, and how it touched on many issues with a comical yet stark perception of things.

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That sounds like a fascinating film - it seems that I'll have to go and look it up sometime. :yes:

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