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The Forbidden Letter Game

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Muahahaha! Thanks to your careless disclosure of the first letter of your name, I can finally trace your location and bombard you endlessly! You cannot stand for long against the might of my ingeniously engineered candy bombs! :devil:

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Well, that was quick! Target is now acquired! Location: www.tdnforums.com - begin launch!

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Well I'm not so inclined towards suddenly commencing aerial assaults today, so I guess that's no longer much of an issue. :P

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Well I can tell you one thing sir: you ain't gonna get that much precision outta plain ol' floating point arithmetic.

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Heh, you used 'Shiny' - that's a very nice slang twist there. xD Too bad that you also used the disallowed letter. :(

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Everybody is noobing out??? And since when did JB's first name become Victor. Or was it already? I am so confused.

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Indeed, indeed, but that is why we use this topic, and this board: for what spongebob likes!

F is for friends who do stuff together

U is you you and I.

N is for anywhere, at any given position in life.


Down here in the deep blue sea.

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I must visit the games area more! This is a lovely place to chat with people. I will talk of the home of the above character. I love the sea! I love beaches! Who could hate the firey orb setting above the murky waters of the deep? So pretty, so calming.

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Wow Sephy, you have a lot of np. I have hardly any... :(

I don't like the letter R, it means you can't use that many quotes.

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My letter can be more difficult though. Many a word will contain my letter. I know, I have a lot, I'm going for a two Draik morphing potion in the plural. When I'm all done with what I want on Neo, I'm going to donate a lot to the Money Tree.

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If I may be so bold, perhaps your surplus funds would be of more use in our ALP?

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