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The Forbidden Letter Game

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Several violations of this word game's rules have occurred in the last few posts.

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I concur with your assessment of the probability of my statement's correctness.

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I hereby congratulate Livvy on out-matching the most common letter in the English language! :D

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And here we have me and another vowel head-to-head - there's no way to tell who'll come out ahead!

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Curses! I've barely missed snagging myself one more vowel! I like doing vowels. :(

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The broken-ness of this Mono dependency generation algorithm is really starting to get me down - I wish there was some documentation on the changes made to the algorithm between branches.

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I will attempt to explain. :yes: Remember that video where I was building an RPM package? Well, I was trying to build several packages when I wrote that post. Some packages require other packages to work properly, so the build process has an algorithm that identifies the other packages that will be needed ('dependencies') and includes a list of them in the package being built. Unfortunately, this algorithm wasn't working properly in my build environment (Fedora 13), yet build logs I was able to find indicate that it worked just fine in the official build environment (Fedora 14). I eventually gave up - I can try again once I've updated my system to Fedora 14 (well actually, I can just use the official builds then :P ).

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