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The Forbidden Letter Game

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Like that....go see some older posts, they have a more creative edge when you get used to avoiding E.

I has a kitty too =3 Her name is Shadow...she gets on okay with the dog too, but she keeps hoping I'll give her my bird or gerbil and in exchange I would get her jingle-ball...it's the only thing she plays with...it isn't going to happen either.

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Wow. My kitten already likes catnip! The website I looked at said that if she was so inclined, she would barely show interest in the stuff in her very youthful place in life. As it is, she attacks it with every cell in her exuberant body.

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Unfortunately, you used your forbidden letter anyway, even though you stated that your letter was not too hard. So now I have to use it. And I have finished. ;)


EDIT: Sorry Seliphra, I've gotten used to quoting things. I got rid of it.

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That's an affirmative, and additionally I should mention that this letter is pretty easy too. :yes:

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Actually, I've had to cut back due to limited time, but I do enjoy adding to a topic when I have relevant information to mention. :)

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Sometimes, searching for words that do not contain a letter can get my brain looking for less common words. :)

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Another easy letter as well, unless you're trying to spell out the phonetic alphabet (or any alphabet for that matter). And hello to you too Rose! It's good to be back on the forums! :)

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I DO apologize for frequent absences, however I have found spare time to be quite a rare thing these past recent epochs and have had little time for websites, or the games within them. It is not a most pleasant thing to return and discover ones habitarium in utter ruin from neglect. T^T

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