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The Forbidden Letter Game

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I believe I am one of the major culprits when it comes to ridiculous overuse of the aforementioned emoticon.

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I still think I hold the title for the most heinous overuse of smileys in the history of TDN. :P

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Did you know that octopuses are among the elite tool-using animal ranks that we've discovered?

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Now that really is an interesting name... but it's also oddly appropriate I think. xD

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Fair enough, that must be a horrendous way to be woken up. I hereby dub the aforementioned group of magpies "breakfast".

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Break out the flamethrowers people, it's time to barbecue some magpies! :evil:

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Excellent! I managed finding a baby black bird which I can dub thus, and we wished we might keep him but alas we did set him free. I received a letter thanking me then and asking a gift called cash. We wanted keeping him because Magpies dislike them a great deal. If we had kept him, we need hate the Magpies little further than that as they then leave the nest, never returning in fear.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I think birds are awesome and, you are so lucky to have a domestic bird such as the one mentioned above.

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Programming in assembly is most definitely the worst, most painful, most absolutely unbearable level of hell there is.

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That would be rather under-evaluating the matter - programming in raw microcontroller code... I'll leave it at excruciating.

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I see...such does sound...how shall I say...I shall express using a smiley! :axehead: :sick01: :evil: :sick02: :thumbsdown_still: :thumbsdown: :whofarted: :skull: <Like such, all mingled in a single super smiley of doom!!

Sounds awful really, I hope you manage okay...

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Well the work is mostly done by now, we only have to get rid of the last few kinks. :yes:

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