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I've been posting in the Moltara Worms thread already, but etiquette dictates that I take a moment to formally introduce myself. So, hello all!


I'm Nikki, 23, Canadian (Calgary, Alberta -- AKA Texas JR) and an on-again off-again Neopets user, depending on how much free time I have. I work as a home-aide for the handicapped daughter of a family friend, and I'm trying to save up to pay for nursing school in the future (student loans only go so far ) and eventually work my way up to becoming a nurse practitioner. I don't have a particularly exciting life -- if I did, I probably wouldn't be online playing games -- but hopefully that doesn't make me a boring person.


I've been playing the game for several years now, although my current account is only eight months old because my old one got frozen over a silly misunderstanding. At any rate, my new account is serving me well. I've got a cute little molten Yurble (who's been painted all kinds of other colours, including Christmas, mutant, speckled, biscuit, cloud, baby, ghost, starry and some others I forgot), and owned a few other pets that I gave away at the pound after painting them and then getting tired of having to feed four pets at once. Figured it would be nice to let someone adopt a painted pet. Right now, I'm working on my stamp albums and book lists, and hoping to design a decent look-up in order to try for the trophy. I love painting my pets different colours, and really want to try out the fire, disco, pirate, darigan and robot brushes. My user look-up is at: http://www.neopets.com/randomfriend.phtml?user=fibrillationx


It's nice to meet all of you! I look forward to getting to know you guys.

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Hello and welcome to TDN forums! :D You can just call me Mystickal haha. Good to see a fellow long time Neopeter!


I understand what you mean by 'student loans only go so far' @_@. Unless you are lucky enough to get a scholarship, the only other way is to save up... Still, hope you get enough funds soon!


I won't say most of us have particularly interesting lives either haha, even if we didn't spend half our day camping Neopets.. And being boring is dependent on how one looks at it!


Wow, your yurble must be really happy to have been painted all those colours o_O;;. I'm too much of a miser to keep repainting.. I just save up for the dream colour, paint my pet and never repaint it again ^^;;. I hate feeding my pets.. I usually just dump them in the neolodge hehe.


Stamps are rather expensive to collect and so are books but hey, an ambitious dream spurs you on further right? Do post your lookup design when you are done with it ;) It's always nice to get feedback before you enter the contest!


Meh, I'm done rambling. :X Enjoy your stay!

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