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ok so im doing my thing on the shop wizard when i come accross a blue petpet paint brush for 50k turns out on the tradeing post its 250k - 300k needless to say i bought that.


then a while later i come accross a disco plushie paint brush for 5k worth 20k.


THEN i come accross a GOLD PAINT BRUSH for only 70k again worth 300k


O.O needless to say ive been haveing a very VERY good day today.




nice i just got a starry pb for 56k from the sw. thats not much of a profit but its enough for my tastes.


ok now this is a epic win i just bought for 20k a Halloween Petpet Paint Brush needless to say 180k profit there XD mind you this is all just today.


---edit yet AGAIN ---


clay petpet paint brush for 3,000np o.O

Wait wait wait, Disco Petpet Paint Brush? ._.


no plushie, i got a disco plushie paint brush. sadly this isn't as extravagant at the time i got the LDPB {yes that's lost desert paint brush, without the word plushie} for 500np.


well ill go over my method again. i go to the shop wizard type in "paint brush" with the setting of "containing this phrase" then i rifle through every shop i come to and see if theres anything i can restock at a massive profit.


to give you a idea of just how much profit can be made from this whole thing. i paid rounding here 70 + 50 = 120k both at maximum sale net me 600k so i just effectively made 480k profit. now if i combined that profit with my current total of 300k im at 780k total. however if i trade the items up for oh idk a ylanas blaster or something then resell that im actually upwards of 1m - 900k thats why its exciteing lol :P


Just be careful sniping like that, they could be at those prices for a less than savory reason...


thats why i change my password every time and i have 20 diffrent passwords i use. so theres little chance there going to get in. O.o i remember a few months ago that wasnt a good time for anyone.

Eh yeah but you clearly know the current prices of things...I do not. I'd just make an idiot out of myself if I tried restocking.


in all due honesty theres a little more i forgot to mention to my method. i actually thought the blue petpet paintbrush wasnt expensive till i checked the shop wizard for more of them, much to my suprise i found none. then i checked the tradeing post and found them listed at 300k and i immediately bought it alfter that lol :P


im not perfect but i did think of this method lol


I never have any luck when trying for paint brushes. You probably check way more often than I do, though. I just end up occasionally checking when it pops into my head that you've had great luck reselling paint brushes. I've been having good luck sniping collectible cards lately, though. Not that it's much profit, but I still keep finding a bunch of them for less than half the going rate.


my theory is that, everyones throwing out there pb's and other collectables to raise money to but AToA plot prizes before they inflate to way beyond the price of playing a few games for a week and buying em.

my theory is that, everyones throwing out there pb's and other collectables to raise money to but AToA plot prizes before they inflate to way beyond the price of playing a few games for a week and buying em.
Wait...what?! Rephrase that for me please, there's like three sentences mashed up in there. o.O
Wait...what?! Rephrase that for me please, there's like three sentences mashed up in there. o.O


fine bullet points.


everyones selling there items.


to raise np.


to buy the items released from the new plot.


which is why you can find such cheap items on the sw today because everyones alfter np.


it doesnt get any simpler.


Well gee, sorry that I could not for the life of me figure out what you were trying to say because you made three critical spelling mistakes and numerous grammatical errors. No need to imply that I'm unintelligent when you can't even write correctly.



Hey shadaw if you ever find a Halloween Paint Brush, let me know ^_^



working on it. id even cut you a very good price break on it too. though i have a petpet one for sale if your interested.


If I had a Doglefox I'd say yes. lol Thanks though. Good luck on finding more awesome deals ^_^


Well, the shadaw method finally worked for me. I found a Ghost Paint Brush Plushie for 800 np today. I'm looking forward a 60k profit on that one!

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