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Well, it's true. You have not seen "Fangirl" anime, "Insane" anime, or many other sides of anime. xDDDDDD Espically not "School" anime. That would freak you out.

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If we do the Harry Potter comic, I would be... hmmm... Professor Lupin, perhaps. The werewolf. Moony.

i be a spell teacher (dunno their names ) because vivi can use magic


I'm not sure if it'd be intresting or odd for Vivi to be Flitwick. xD

"I am a wizard, not a baboon brandishing a stick." I can never get over that.....


Mini usually just randomly pops up and says stuff that come to her mind. And it always happens to be correct. The POWER OF EDUMACATION!


would it be


EDUCA = (education)

GINAT = (Imagination)

ION (from both)




"I am a wizard, not a baboon brandishing a stick." I can never get over that.....


that be a pretty cool line actually


I crack up every time I read it, so I make a careful point to be sure the classroom is noise or I'm not at school when reading it. xD


You don't know? Harry Potter book 6, page 356. They're the lines Flitwick made Seamus write after he Seamus soaked him not paying attention in Charms.


Yes, I looked up the page number. I'm not that creepy.


I've read it three times now. Still need to get my dad to pre-order #7.


Isn't this Harry Potter talk getting :offtopic: ?


Dobby. You need to pick someone who you can remember.

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