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Metroid's Comics!


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would ahve thought total keiko would have enhanced teh story because she would ahve won and then it be the final plan to capture her guitar, now it has no-wheer to go???


Well, that's exactly how the comic turned out, until Trace disagreed due to "reality" issues. I had to replace TotaKeiko's sprite with Trace's to make it more "believable". <_<

So anyway, I don't know if I'm completing this series because of the sudden change of the story.


Here is the "inaccurate" comic:


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:O so with Trace "reality" issue, Vivi shall never be seen outside a cave, OR the whole 14 part build up to steal Keiko guitar will never take place

NOOOOOOO :crying_blow:


:thumbsdown: sorry but i must say Trace, thats a bad move about "reality"


also if this was reality, theer be no metroid, no kirby, no talking penguins, no Trace, no dog who plays a guitar, no yoshi, no chao, no vivi (sorry people) :crying_blow:


EDIT: TotalKeiko character DOES exist, yes a guitar playing dog is real, check out my board under media

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When you do update, Update with the Unreality Scene. Its better and Trace didnt ruin that one.

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i dunno, i reckon its better with Total Keiko because taht can continue the story, because with total keiko penguin can appear and try to steal her guitar, but with Trace (no offense) it goes no where, the penguin quest was intentionally the story of Penguin trying to steal Keiko guitar(with other people) and not a story of any other person (metroid couid do that later who knows) but with keiko it sets up Penguin plan to step 15

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I just don't see a guitar breaking through an energy sheild and three inches of reinforced environment suit. Now what would have been funnier, if the guitar would have broken and Anime came to the rescue and blasted TA...

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Drop it, k? it's a goofy comic. Relaity has no place with people who fall into randomly appering holes all the time.

Amen. The "reality" comic will be disposed of by throwing it into battery acid.

I'll try to make a comic later.

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