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Neopet troubles


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Hey everyone, I just started coding like 4 hours ago, and with basic userlookup coding, I inserted stuff until I came up with a basic userlookup that is sure to frustrate anyone who tries to read stuff on my userlookup. Shooting towards the problem, My neopets have this dark pixel border around them:



I have no idea what the problem is, and even if I did I'm sure I couldn't fix it without replacing some of the graphic effects on my lookup. This is all my coding:


body {background-image:url("http://i46.tinypic.com/29lmyaq.jpg");}

.medText, div, td{color:#000000;}
a:link, a:visited{color:#000000;text-decoration:none;}

#header, #footer, hr, #userneohome .contentModuleTable{display:none;}

#main {width:750px;background:transparent; border:0px;}

width: 750px;

.content div a img, .content div b {
  display: none;

.contentModule div a img, .contentModule div b {
  display: inline;


.contentModuleContent {
  background-color: transparent;

#userinfo .contentModuleContent{background-image:url(http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/6982/shieldtdn.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top right;}#userinfo .medText img {visibility:hidden;}#userinfo .medText table table img {visibility:visible}

</style >

<a href=/myaccount.phtml>account</a> | 
<a href=/petcentral.phtml>central</a> | 
<a href=/explore.phtml>explore</a> | 
<a href=/games/arcade.phtml>games</a> | 
<a href=/neoboards/index.phtml>boards</a> | 
<a href=/objects.phtml>shops</a> | 
<a href=/nf.phtml>news</a> | 
<a href=/video/index.phtml>video</a> | 
<a href=/mall/index.phtml>nc mall</a>

<div align=center>

<img width=720 height=400 border='2' src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i48.tinypic.com/2krfp1.jpg"><br><br>

Hey everyone, currently trying to choose on a gallery theme/getting the lab map set for zapping pounded pets. <br>
<a href="http://neopets.com/~Kux"><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k259/scumie/scumielinkme.gif" border=0></a>



Any help would be greatly appreciated!


EDIT: you cant see it in the pictures i posted, whoops..... Its visible on my lookup though, username: basileos

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I also find that background to be brutal to look at. I also think that the change in the pet outlines that you're talking about might be an optical illusion caused by the background. If you're planning to keep on using the plaid background, I would recommend that you put a solid background inside your content areas. It will make the plaid less overwhelming and the text easier to read.

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hehehe making the text difficult to read was done on purpose, although I dont think for any reason in particular. I found out what the problem was, img{filter:alpha(Opacity=93)}, which made my header less opaque, so I just removed it and now the images are fine. Kind of curious that nobody else could see it. I guess this signals a topic close.

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