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The Birthday Celebration Continues!

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You can send your game scores ten times today! TNT was supposed to allow 10 scores to be sent yesterday but users were only allowed to send 5. Make sure to take advantage of sending scores if you haven't already!


If you visit the Neopets 10th Birthday Page you can answer todays trivia question. The answer is the Battledome and for answering right you get a sword of knowlege.


Sword of Knowledge


Earlier you may have noticed the Sword of Knowledge was not able to be equipped. They have fixed it. Not quite sure how good it is though. ^_^;


Also, not all games allow the 10 times score.


Made a topic with which games.. *here*


Yeah, I think TNT kinda jumped ahead of the cart. They seem to do that a lot. Stupid Viacom. It used to be about making sure everything was good to go before going live. Now it's like stuff is forever in ALPHA, not even BETA but ALPHA. Oh well.


Wheel of Excitement can be done at 75 NP a pop, rather than the usual 150(?).


Gah. Weapon to test out. <_<

Kidding. I'll do it when I get home from school. Unless one of you is kind enough to test it yourselves and then tell me about the tests. ^^


At least the 10 times is working now.

At least the 10 times is working now.


No it's not.. at least not for me..... or do you mean in general?

can you still do the same stuff as yesterday? or is it just the trivia? like, can you still make LEs?


Nope =( that was just yesterday I'm afraid. To be honest, I haven't tried, but I haven't seen anything on the boards as well. Burried Treasure is only 150 NPs this month and I believe Wheel of Excitement is only 75 NPs today (not sure).

I believe Wheel of Excitement is only 75 NPs today (not sure).

Yes, which is what I said up there ^ lol


But yes, Buried Treasure is half off. I found it amusing that the Wheel of Slime says 0/10, when you can only spin it once in a while, and there's no way you can spin it 10 times.


Yeah. I just played Kass Basher and it only let me send my score three times. So much for the 10 times thing.


Just sign up for the World Challenge (costs 100 NPs) and you'll be able to send 10 scores =) (and maybe win a meridell map piece)




There's a list of other games that aren't sending 10 times.


Wheel of Excitement is back to being 150 NP to play. Buried Treasure is still 150 NP to play.


I don't think I got double neopoints playing Kass Basher yesterday. I can't tell for sure, though, and I forgot to pay attention, since I was trying for WC.

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