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Best Pet you have found in the pound?


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I bring up the question and topic, since I was in the pound today and I was surprised to see a Krawk in there and was quick enough to actually adopt it! So now I have a Krawk and a new avatar to add to my collection. :)


So what cool pets have you found in the pound? Either rare pet or a BD pet or an avatar pet or a well named one!



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Nothing can top a Krawk =o


But I'd have to say the best I've found is an Ice Lupe, or a Faerie Quiggle =/


Those are still good compared to all the pets that are in the pound. I also have a soft spot in my heart for Lupes so I would of jumped at the chance to adopt the Ice Lupe so good adopts :)



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I have seen quite a few expensively painted (zapped would be my first guess, really) in the pound. A few weeks ago I was going to adopt a faerie lenny, but decided not to... then my labrat zapped into a lenny and hasn't changed since LOL (Hello karma!)


The only painted pet that I've adopted is a cloud jubjub. I'm not overly attached to him, but can't seem to let him go :(

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I didn't even know you could find those kind of pets in the pound. So I went on there to look, and the first time I clicked "view more neopets" I saw a Robot Uni and a Christmas Tonu. So those are the best I've seen on there so far.

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This really should be a stickied topic or something, everyone gets a good pet from the pound now and then :P


The last pet I snatched from the pound was a yellow Shoryu called Cyclopsx. I liked the name a lot, and will be transforming it into a mutant aisha sometime soon, I think.


As for good painted pets, I got a sketched chomby a long time ago and have seen christmas, desert and skunk and split yesterday.


Rare pets? Plenty... Well named rare pets.. Nope! :P


I was lucky to get Khissey my Hissi which turned speckled now. Also found a poogle, another hissi a jetsam and quite a bit of kikos. Sadly enough the kikos are always poorly named.

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I've found a red chomby, orange koi (probably from the morphing potion) and a green kiko. Sadly, the kiko turned into a yellow usul due to accidental zapping (it turned to sponge the day before turning into a yellow usul and refuses to change now).


I missed a darigan scorchio once, unfortunately. One of my friends (celticheavens on the tdn forums) saw a pirate kiko on draik day!!! That was quite crazy, but she didn't get it unfortunately.

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I've found a red chomby, orange koi (probably from the morphing potion) and a green kiko. Sadly, the kiko turned into a yellow usul due to accidental zapping (it turned to sponge the day before turning into a yellow usul and refuses to change now).


I missed a darigan scorchio once, unfortunately. One of my friends (celticheavens on the tdn forums) saw a pirate kiko on draik day!!! That was quite crazy, but she didn't get it unfortunately.


Ouch sorry about the zapping accident.


And yeah in the pound it is always more misses then successful adopts on rare pets. Sometimes just getting the chance is enough excitement for me haha.


Today has been pretty tame in the pound, nothing really I saw that caught my eye. A few christmas and stripe, nothing worth adopting. Then again I worked most the day so I may have missed seeing something.



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Today I noticed a couple invisibles, a checkered lenny, a thornberry chia (someone beat me...it was so cute!) and a christmas kacheek.

I ended up adopting the Kacheek...I saw her twice and decided to bring her home on a whim.


Darn seems like I missed out being at work this morning/afternoon. I would of liked an invisible one if I liked the species (I know kind of weird since it's invisible lol) Glad the Kacheek has a new home too :)



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I'm completely addicted to pound surfing. I've seen a lot of pretty good pets, but no Draiks or Krawks. I've seen a lot of Desert pets, Christmas pets, Tyrannian pets, Robot pets, and even a few Pirate pets. I just haven't adopted any myself, because I don't want to have to transfer them back and forth to try and get the right paint brush clothing for them.


The best pound find I've actually adopted is my Kougra, Oscillioscope. I think that's a pretty awesome name, especially if the lab ray cooperates and zaps him Robot. :)!

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Very luck for you to get a Krawk! I've seen royal pets, but i like to adopt humble pets no one wants and then zap them with the lab ray and give them to people who want them. I gave a girl a Rainbow Yurble the other day and she seemed really happy :)


I bring up the question and topic, since I was in the pound today and I was surprised to see a Krawk in there and was quick enough to actually adopt it! So now I have a Krawk and a new avatar to add to my collection. :)


So what cool pets have you found in the pound? Either rare pet or a BD pet or an avatar pet or a well named one!



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a zombie usul is my best find however I go to the pound very few times. Usually when I need a new lab pet or need something for an avvie or the like :P

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I've been sitting in the Pound today due to TNT releasing limiteds. So far I've found a pronounceable 4-letter pet, a 3-letter pet[which is a Ghost!], and a robot Korbat. I've seen some other interesting pets, like a split Grundo and a speckled Buzz, as well as some other non-pronounceable 4-letter pets, but I haven't picked them up.

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