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Anybody else disappointed?


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There are good things and bad things of complex plots.

Bad things like grave digging, lost temples, and uni morphing potions with no trading posts. Good things like potion brewing, code cracking, and the occasional battle dome match.


Everyone has a different idea of what is a good and what is a bad thing to include in a plot. I remember TNT making a comment in regards to a canceled 3D Game that they realized their strength really lied in creating good 2d flash games: their resumes say as much. That might have a lot to do with what we're seeing now, it might not. Honestly, while I hope there is a final reward and an end trophy, and also like not having to guess when there may or may not be a new step to the plot. Stressing out like that is one of the reasons I had a year and a half burn out from Neopets.


I'm going to wait and see what is at the end of the rainbow. The inclusion of flash game goals has forced me out of my comfort zone on the type of flash games I play, at the very least. They still have half a month until the 2nd of December.

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