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Plushie Tycoon


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I am currently going for the plushie tycoon avatar which i should get quite easily now. I was wondering though it says that i have rent due in 7 days but there aren't 7 days left in the month. Do i have to pay this the last day of the month or not at all?

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I have read a bunch of guides but none of them really say much past once you sell them repeat to make lots of money. Oh well i hope not. I am almost at the 1 million range so i can get lots of np along with my new avatar.

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The one time I tried this, I couldn't even figure out how to make any plushies. I started the jobs, but nothing ever got produced. Maybe I'm just not patient enough?


Did you hire any workers? I personally use two pages to help me. One is here . I use that one to help with times and rent and all that fun stuff (it currently isn't up and running at the moment). The other one is Gameolosphy's Version I use to know when to buy raw goods. It is more precise then just the buy when the rare jems are less then 1600 that practically all guides have. If you want a pretty good just all around one that walks you though everything i would use this one

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Did you hire any workers? I personally use two pages to help me. One is here . I use that one to help with times and rent and all that fun stuff (it currently isn't up and running at the moment). The other one is Gameolosphy's Version I use to know when to buy raw goods. It is more precise then just the buy when the rare jems are less then 1600 that practically all guides have. If you want a pretty good just all around one that walks you though everything i would use this one


Thanks for the help. I'll have to take a look at those pages. I did have workers though. Workers and materials. I didn't pay rent on all of my buildings though. Was that the problem? I figured I shouldn't need to pay rent on the buildings I am not using yet, but maybe I was wrong. I just sort of jumped into it with no knowledge at all.

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