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Tarla - soo happy!


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I've been on the look out for the new tarla avatar for ages, but with my slow connection and (apparently) some people buying items from there just to be annoying to people collecting avatars I thought I'd never get it, but just now... I did :D I'm so happy, I don't even care I spent 2000neopoints on a packet of gravel! Has anyone else had as much trouble as me getting this or was it quite an easy one for those with faster connections?


Vix xx

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I think it's easier if you have faster connection. I've gotten the avatar on the very day it was released. ^_^;; I don't understand why so many people would buy things from her shop, though. I haven't gotten anything really good from her before; it just seemed like a waste of money. (There must be still a lot of people who haven't gotten her avatar yet?)

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I've actually been tempted just to try and get the book(I like to read books to my pets, 800+ at the moment). And the special items that just came out that can only be found there is what I imagine is driving a lot of it. It looks like they're a fairly good sell value at the moment.

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Apparently some people have now started buying things from her just so people can't get the avatar (it was being disscussed if it was too mean or not on the neopets boards). Also, in all fairness, I didn't refresh religiously or every day...

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Well, I actually got the avvie on the first day, and I must say I am a frequent visiter to Tarla's shop. Not so much now do to everyone wanting the avvie, but I have gotten a few good items from her....I don't spend ridiculous amounts of np though as I find that if you spend over like 1,500 NP it rarely ever pays off. One time I spent about 300 np on a bag and got a 7000np petpet. It's all a matter of luck really. As I said though, I haven't really bought anything because I'm trying to let everyone have a chance at a bag.


And as for the people buying from the shop just so people can't get the avvie, I'm not so sure how long that will actually last, I've heard rumors of it, but it may only seem that way because so many are trying to buy from the shop because of the avvie. The stuff in her shop usually disappeared pretty quickly before the avvie came out, so now even more people are going it may seem like it is purposefully being done. Sure 9/10 it will be a worthless item in the bag, but some people (like me) do like to get a bag only to open it to have something really nice in there. It's like playing the lottery, really, you may not win all the time, but when you do it is just so exciting!!! :P

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