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Neopoints help

Dead Red

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I'm an active player

and I want to get some morphing potions and paintbrushes and the rest of my lab map

Like all these super rad players I've seen around


How do I get all these neopoints

I have things in my shop and I play nearly all of the games I can

and I spin wheels and do the freebie things everyday, or almost everyday

As much as I can

But how do I get to the point where I can actually afford these awesome potions and such?


Am I just being impatient or am I missing something?

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If you are good at games and you use that as your primary way of getting neopoints, I suggest the petpage of JubbyJubJack.


It has links to all the dailies and freebies plus a GREAT 50k a day guide. If you have the chance to get online every day, this whole guide takes 90-120 minutes (an hour and a half to 2 hours). She updates it daily, or tries to at least. I have that page set up as my homepage!


After you figure out how to get your NP, you have to figure out what is and isn't important to you when you spend your NP. It is all a matter of will power and NOT spending until you have enough to get what you REALLY want.


Hope this helps! Good luck!

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It took me a half a year of hard work to earn one million neopoints (which is not enough for many of very expensive paint brushes or potions). Even if you buy lap map, you have to be very patient and continue to zap until you get species/color combination that you really want. Just be patient and you'll realize your dreams in no time. ^_^

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I will have to say play lots of games but the fastest way that i have found is through key quest. I know it can be aggravating when people quit after you have been playing for 20 minutes. But you can get some great prizes plus neopoints and it really is worth the time. Plus if you play on the weekend in october you get twice as many as you normally would. Although i really wouldn't suggest redeeming them until November 2nd like heartbreak said. This game isn't really about quick money although when you have been playing for a while you start to figure out easier ways. Good luck.

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I really would recommend Kissmoto's petpage (as mentioned above). I've started using that recently and I can get around 40k from it without doing much. From doing "find the neopoints" and a few VERY quick games (max 30mins) you can get around 10k. Its just a matter of patience and perserviance! And remember, normally the people who have all those cool potions and stuff have normally been playing years!

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To be honest, I have been playing Neopets now for two weeks, and though I dont have the extremely rare brushes, or potions, I do have a cloud pet. All that was thanks to finding TDN, which I now use everyday, I have also been lucky in winning. I gamble a bit, I have 30k invested in the stock market and won 19k on Dice-a-roo, and 50k in pawkeet slots. I stopped playing after that because I do not want to lose all that money. I put money in the bank and try to collect interest. I think the thing that has kept me up in money the most though is playing games, and selling the codestones I get in keyquest. To sum everything up, it is all a matter of preference and what you like.



Stock Market..


You name it neopets caters to it

Have fun, and someday you will have your dream come true!

(I can't wait till I get a darigan Draik, thats my dream pet)

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