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Do you quit while playing Keyquest?

Jenny ^_^

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Argh! I hate when people quit during key quest, they're being a sore loser. Good thing tnt made that reportable.

I never quit, and only play two player five key games that way I can only get a silver or gold key. Either of those make me happy.


I NEVER quit. I hate when people quit on me.


Yesterday I decided to play a 4-player game because I'm tired of people quitting on the 2-player games.


I won, and the items I got from my gold key were worth less than 500 np. :(


I think Keyquest doesn't like me.

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"Don't hate the player, hate the game."


In playing a game, you agree to operate under a specific rule set-in this case the semi-random 'board game' of keyquest. If you begin a game, you should finish it unless you have a connection problem. It is prudent to consider "my connection is bad, maybe i should play flash games instead of keyquest" or "i only have 5 minutes and this could take 20, maybe i shouldn't start another game". Quitting in the middle of the game is bad form, as by playing you ought ride it out to completion if able.


Within a game, however, all bets are off. There are many different psychographs of players. There are those who play to win at any cost for the thrill of winning. There are those who play to make a profit. There are those who play to prolong the game as long as possible, using 'griefer' tactics to annoy their opposition. As long as you are operating within the established procedures of the game, you cannot claim someone is playing it the wrong way. They are just not playing it in your way. Playing a "random" negative powerup on you when they/you are 'about to win' has nothing to do with being personal, or insulting. It means they recognize variation, however small, can alter their plans, and they account for it. What if a random event flies them across the board? They are just giving themselves that extra 1%. You can not complain about them not playing by your interpretation of the rules without considering that that also means you are not playing by theirs.

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"Don't hate the player, hate the game."


In playing a game, you agree to operate under a specific rule set-in this case the semi-random 'board game' of keyquest. If you begin a game, you should finish it unless you have a connection problem. It is prudent to consider "my connection is bad, maybe i should play flash games instead of keyquest" or "i only have 5 minutes and this could take 20, maybe i shouldn't start another game". Quitting in the middle of the game is bad form, as by playing you ought ride it out to completion if able.


Within a game, however, all bets are off. There are many different psychographs of players. There are those who play to win at any cost for the thrill of winning. There are those who play to make a profit. There are those who play to prolong the game as long as possible, using 'griefer' tactics to annoy their opposition. As long as you are operating within the established procedures of the game, you cannot claim someone is playing it the wrong way. They are just not playing it in your way. Playing a "random" negative powerup on you when they/you are 'about to win' has nothing to do with being personal, or insulting. It means they recognize variation, however small, can alter their plans, and they account for it. What if a random event flies them across the board? They are just giving themselves that extra 1%. You can not complain about them not playing by your interpretation of the rules without considering that that also means you are not playing by theirs.


i understand what you're saying, and despite frustrations you are right in a way. however, your argument falls through when you consider that TNT made quitting reportable. we are MEANT to blame the player :P

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I hate quitters.That is why I only play 3-4 player games.

But I never reported someone for quitting.I had my power cut off during a game, accidentally refreshed a couple a times because I usually restock while waiting in the game or mu internet connection went dead and none were intentional.

But the other player quitting while you are just seconds away from winning, that I find highly unlikely.

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I usually don't quit because it annoys me a lot, but occasionally when I have to go somewhere and I'm in the middle of a game I'm forced to do so. Recently however I've played only when I know I have a lot of time on my hands

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have never just quit, but have been booted off before. It has happened to me more than once, and when I could remember the other players name, I wrote them. Some were understanding and some were not, really kinda related to whether or not I was winning or losing. That was back when it first started ~ I haven't played in a long time simply because my computer is not the fastest and I just cannot complete with players with really fast computers. AND, the prizes got pretty boring always being the same thing and of little value ... so I stopped playing. Haven't played in months now :sad02:

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I'll be honest. I have quit many times. I've just started to play the game, and of course am in the newbies category as I have no idea what is going on. When I play against people who are very clearly not newbies, yes, I end the game. But I don't wait til the end to do it. If within the first few rounds I can tell that person is clearly just taking advantage of newbies, I end the game.

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why not learn something from your loss? why not see how they beat you, what choices or tactics they are using? are they not using a powerup and saving it? are they using one when you might have saved it? are they taking a different fork in the path?


you can learn a lot from your losses. not to mention, you still earn np and prizes even if you lose!

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I think it's the principle of the thing. Plus, I don't even have a chance how to learn to play mini games because they know all the tricks. Sometime i stay in the same. but when it's not even close in a mini game, or they have the portals memorized, it just makes me mad to be taken advantage of.

I do see your point. It's not a total loss. I just like things to be fair. When I play against a newbie like myself, I can tell, and it's fun. Which is what i want. Fun.

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see for me, i find it fun to HAVE to know every trick and to try really hard, and then to still come out on top-or not. i enjoy the challenge, the competition against a real-live thinking human. i like trying to outwit the other player, and having them trying to do the same to me.


i accept that there will be a learning curve, and that i will get beaten when i first start playing. i seek out better opponents, because then i can learn from how they beat me. i can learn how to adapt, improvise, etc.

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Isn't the whole point the newbies area to be just for newbies though? I would understand that if I was not in the newbie group, but for people to come in and take advantage just seems rude.

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I would agree that it's not okay to quit just because the other person is using negative power-ups. That's what they're there for.


If TNT wanted to make sure no one could ever have a bad experience EVER while playing KQ, they wouldn't have made those power-ups available. They already made sure that everyone is a winner when they play by letting everyone who plays get some NPs and items (except in a 5-key 4-player game, is that even possible? I haven't ever played like that before).


I am lucky to have enough neofriends that usually when I'm around and I want to play a game, there is at least one person who will play with me. And these people don't believe in quitting. What we do believe in is using power-ups as you please. I've had some great games that were really enjoyable and actually MORE fun because we used negative power-ups on each other at the end when it was really close (the reverse directions, changing key colours, etc) and plus, the in-game random events make sure that it's fair for everyone by doing things like sending you back to the home square or a random spot, or forcing you to switch keys with another player. Those can't be controlled. If you wouldn't quit after getting one of those, don't quit after someone uses a negative power-up on you.

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it is rude to come scalp the newbie room, i agree. but the people doing that are trying to make a quick profit. they aren't doing it to be mean, they are just treating it like any other flash game on the site, and they don't care if someone else gets upset by them doing it. i admit to having done that myself before.

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I see your point for sure. i could just let them win and get my prize at the end. It is annoying though, but I can try and watch what they do for sure. Thanks for the advice guys!

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I always suspect that people quit just because i'm winning, but obviously I never have proof. I just hate it when I waste 10 min on a close game and then I use a powerup for a certain win, only to be quit on! I try to give them the benefit of the doubt- my browser has occasional crashed ingame- but its usually pretty obvious when its a sore loser. I would never do so and I think its super childish and annoying. It wastes EVERYONES time- just take the silver gracefully!

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yeah quitting is a childish act , that's why I don't do it =p. Usually I'll play with someone i know so if everyone quits, at least the game still continues with 2 players(my friend & I)

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I don't quit, but I've had people quit on me.... it's really annoying when they quit right before you're going to win. Though, in people's defense as well, sometimes while it looks like quitting to the other side, it really might be a glitch. Like I've been kicked out of games quite a few times because of abnormal errors and freezing.

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