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I took a look around and couldn't find a topic like this exactly. I know there are "guides" and such floating around various websites, but I want to know how you guys made your first million, and how long it took? I've never had more than 400K at one time (which is also where i'm at right now), but basically all I do for income is play games, very lightly play the stock market and sell off whatever items I happen across.


Man...back when I was a few months old on neopets and I sooooo wanted a Faerie Paint Brush!


All I mainly did was play games and dailies so it took a LOT of months to get it =/


Luckily, someone was gonna sell it to me or 2.6 million so I was happy =D


Nowadays, I'm doing more and I'm earning WAY more easily now ^_^


Well, although I don't have much at the moment, I have all but one lab piece, so I've earnt around 700k, and my account is only 2/3months old. I just play flash games and sell items, but I choose my games carefully - I always start with stuff like kass basher that are really quick, and move onto the ones that take longer. That way if I'm only on for an hour I can do all my dailies, check my stocks and earn around 10k. If I've got more time I've earnt up to around 40k in one day, then I just get bored lol.


I play ALOT of games, so I make 100k a day if I really try. That means I can get a mil in 10 days approx. (but this is too idealistic; we all have things to do :D)

Nine years and I still haven't made my first million. XD I'm horrible at saving.



I was right there with you, seven years and had never made a million, then Doctor Sloth came along a few months back and handed me a Draik M/P. I would have bought a Krawk there and then but they were 20 million. But off course after I spend the nps Krawks drop in price.


I made my first million early on, mostly from Key Quest... but then I've spent it all on customization for pets (clothes, paint brushes, potions etc) BAD!


XD i know. I have this impulse to spend np on things. I just sold my ylanas blaster though :D made like a 250k profit! YAY.


I'm trying this too. I figure if In save enough crap in my SDB, buy enough tocks, and play enough games someday it'll result in a million np.


I'm trying Plushie Tycoon right now. Anyone care to try it with me?


I got my first million recently over this past summer, mainly from playing daily games and keyquest... =/


I still haven't made it to a million. The most I've ever had was a little over 600,000 when I was saving up for a Baby Paint Brush. The only thing I do to get NP is play games, but I'm not very good at them, and I don't like feeling pressured to do it. So I usually only make 10,000/day. It's hard to reach a mil on that.


i earn around 35k a day from games, probably net a profit of 20-30k a day from occasional restocking (unless i have a lot of time that day, then that figure is more like 60-100k), and maybe around 5-10k pure from keyquest, not counting the value of the item prizes?


but that's pretty much only possible on weekends or holidays. more typically I probably just get a solid 25k from games and dailies and tend to my RL for the rest of the day.


Dont quite remember when i hit 1million, but I've been playing a combined 8 months on this account (excluding a long hiatus) and I've accumulated around 1.8m pure and probably around 10m in items.


Wow! Lots of you seem to make a killing in games. Sadly, my computer is very messed up and alot of the flash games randomly crash, so I only play a few games. There's nothing worse than earning near 1000 NP in game score and the browser crashing before you can hit "send score". Even if it didn't, though, my ADD kicks in and I can't play the same game for too long. Kiko Match falls to this far too often.


It looks like at the rate I'm going I can earn about 500k a month, but alot of that is from various gambles.


I don't really remember, gosh that was so long ago, im pretty sure it came from alot of random events dropping rare items like nerkmids and lab map pieces...


I think it took me about 4-5 months? I used to earn 30K a day from the games, but after the NP ratio got adjusted and they got rid of some of ad games, it got too annoying to play all those games. I earn about 10 to 15K a day now. XD


I remember it took me forever to get 1 mil. Of course that was when i pretty much only played games daily to get my points. The highest i have ever had was 3.5 m though. I kept spending it on avatars and everything else so now am pretty broke :sad02: . I however do have a lot of stocks now and have been doing other things like the world challenge and some key quest when people don't quit all the time. It all adds up pretty fast.


Making my first million took about a week and a half. I just played tons and tons of games the best I could and made sure I was making at *least* 50k a day from them. I also sold off some old valuable items I had (nothing worth over 100k) which gave me a nice boost here and there.


i made my first million by selling Gourmet Cooking For Your Pet during the Bonju craze : ) convenient that i had bought one like 20 minutes before it was discovered lol


The highest i have ever got was 900k, because a faerie dropped an Orange paint brush in a random event!

I earn about 10k a day, i just play kasa basher and fashion fever, and maybe sell a cidestone or two.

I dont spend a long time on neopets a day ;)


Hmm, the new plot may have some battles...so I'm not sure whether or not i should sell my codestones :/

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