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Recommendations for Scary Games/Movies?


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Now that I've been playing Fatal Frame 3...I've been jumping and getting scared more, but I like it :P


Any good movies or games I can watch or play near Halloween time?


I don't care if I've already seen or played it...I'll probably take anything after I beat Fatal Frame (if I can!)


Note: I want something "scary" not gross! Like the old and new Halloween movies...the newer version wasn't scary...just gross like ew D:

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I am a HUGE fan of the first three Silent Hill games. The first Silent Hill game was the first horror game/movie that ever really scared me. It was the creepiest thing I'd ever seen. I can only play for about an hour or two at a time, because I get too freaked out by it. The other Silent Hill games (4, 0, 5) aren't quite as good as the first three. They're a lot more focused on combat than the earlier games.


I also really enjoyed Eternal Darkness for the GameCube. Your character has a Sanity meter, and freaky stuff starts happening as you lose Sanity. It's a pretty good game especially if you like Lovecraftian horror.

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