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Silence!!! Roleplaying


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*I like it, and some don't. Get over it*

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*noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, were too immature to settle it like adults and not argue and throw stuff and make fun of stuff.*


*but maybe I will... la la la la, la la la la, la la la la looooooooooooser (not any of you)*


*see at least I make sure you know im not calling you names...*

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*Okay, that's enough TBC. I don't like the song. Do not insult or mock us. We have a right to say what we feel. You need to can it or leave.*

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*eats the chips with guacamole*

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*says I got that too!* *adds more garlic to the guacamole*

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