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Hi, I am Elizabeth. My main account is flyawaywithwings which I got back after being frozen this week. My three spares are menext, turnyourselfin and spareheart. I am a writer, therefore I hang out in the Neopian Writers board. I know one person in real life that plays Neo. I'm a little addicted....I've been playing for 4 years, but four years ago when I joined I only played for about a month, forgot about neopets then forgot my login. I made flyawaywithwings five months ago and menext was my main for the two months it was frozen. I only have two painted pets, speckled and Christmas, but I'm saving up for the lab map, so thats why I don't have "awesome" pets. I'm only 60k away! :D Also, when I'm playing neopets I dont try and make money constantly, I am mostly chatting.

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