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I found a pet in the pound


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Hey all!


Yesterday I was pound surfing randomly when I saw a custard kau! I just thought that was awesome and maybe someone from TDN would want to get a dream pet, it didn't have a bad name either.


Well, after 5 minutes or so it's possible previous owner neomails me that she was giving it to a friend, but I got it, so she wanted me to take good care of it.


I felt bad for taking it away from both her and her friend, so I neomailed immediatly that I would send it to the friend. I decided to send another neomail and hour later when there was still no response.


By now a night has passed and I still have no response. I don't know what to do, wait for a neomail or see if someone else becomes happy with a kau? Even though I know that pounding is a stupid option for transferring, I still feel like I thieved someone's pet... So help me out please?

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^I agree. If they were worried about the pet, they would have waited until they could use a safe transfer. The pound is open to anyone and everyone.

And honestly, if someone neomailed me saying that, I'd ignore it unless they provided solid proof that it was intended for someone else.


Heck, I could message you right now and say that it was supposed to be for a pound transfer lol

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Yeah, I agree with everyone above me. The pound is a free for all, and if people are willing to risk their pets; they should recognize the consequences (like it seems the girl that mailed you did). I think you should keep/rehome the lovely Kau, without feeling bad about it.


Speaking of which, I might be interested. ;)

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The problem is I didn't really want to keep it but give it away to someone on here (cus you're so awesome)


Anyway, I just will do that then :) Would you have space for a Kau, tamara?

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A while back I transferred Flamestorm7, my Lupe, from one account to the other via the pound. I didn't want to "waste" a transfer and figured no one would want her. Big mistake. I had both Firefox and IE open so that I would be able to get her quickly. Someone else adopted her before I could. I neomailed that person, saying that the Lupe is mine and I was transferring her through the pound. S/he was nice and returned my Lupe.

At the time I didn't realize that once you put a pet in the pound it's not yours anymore. Now I when read that I feel uneasy.

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