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Hi all, my names Matt. Ive held my account on neopets for 7 years.. i stopped playing years ago and have recently decided id have another go.


currently saving for a lab map just for something to do.. im not the best at saving money lol i have 460k odd so im half way


im confused as to how people can save millions lol luck? will power? determination? probably a mixture of the three an i just cant do it lol


ok ill stop rambling now

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They have...determination. those 30mil people are really awesome! *looks up at them with respect XD*.


I usually just buy lab maps or other items for my pets...I have 4 full sets (so I blow away money to quickly *cough* *cough*) XD


Good luck though! And you're past half already! You can do it :D

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They have...determination. those 30mil people are really awesome! *looks up at them with respect XD*.


I usually just buy lab maps or other items for my pets...I have 4 full sets (so I blow away money to quickly *cough* *cough*) XD


Good luck though! And you're past half already! You can do it :D



Eventually i get there lol.. i just spend my money on silly things, ill probably get the map an then be disappointed


but thats just the way it goes..

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Welcome to TDN forums Matt. I hope you enjoy your time here.

Saving money does take will power and determination. I'm saving for the Number Six Avatar. I current have 3.6 million NPs.

What works for me is keeping my goal in mind and not spending a lot money. My plan is to first get the Number Six avatar and then buy all the items.

I set small goals along the way, like now my goal is 4 million NPs, so my plan is to earn 15k NPs a day which makes 100k a week.

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XD I waste too much nps on avatars too! ..and lab maps *cough*


Hmm, start off with maybe 30k a day? You can try the TDN np guide :) Good luck!

And I spent at least 80k on the lever of doom before I got the avatar.

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