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Hey there everyone on TDN forums!!! I've been apart of TDN for a little over 2 months now and just joined the forums. My name is Jessica and my neopets name is jafollis. I use to play neopets about 8 years ago while I was a senior in high school but when I went to college I got out of playing as school and my three jobs kept me so busy I just lost touch. I started playing again my last year of college to keep me some what sane in between tests and papers. Well once I graduated and got back into the real world of work I got so busy that I didn't have time for anything. Well now I am finding the time again and I don't have to create a new account this time as I still remember my old account. I found TDN one day and started using visiting the site every day. Well now I have an account and I am enjoying it. So add me as a neofriend if you want to as I am usually on at least once a day. Well thanks for listening to my abriged life story.

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Hello, call me Meep. Welcome to the forums and feel free to add me too. We even have a new member song :guitar:


You are new to our community

It is filled with insanity

Don't mind it-

It's just part of the fun WOOHOO

We have a great staff here

led by Ian

Don't make those mods angry-

or else- you're in trouble

and of course there's our mascot

that cute little one

Jerry the red Pteri!



Have fun ^_^

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