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WHat is your favorite video game?


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At the moment? Tales of the Abyss. *points to avatar* XD Final Fantasies 7, 9, and 10 have special places in my heart as well, although the FF7 Compilation can go jump off a bridge as far as I'm concerned.


Also, Pokémon. All of the basic games(I never could get into the side games much). And Trauma Center/TC2. And Phoenix Wright. And and and vgsebkvjsek.


I like RPGs. :)

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Final Fantasy Tactics, although I have a squishy spot for Final Fantasy 5, Azure Dreams, Terranigma, Seiken Densetsu 3, and all the CastleVania games Iga had a role in (SotN onward). Oh! And how could I forget Chrono Trigger? That too.

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I love my Star Wars Batllefront agmes on my Xbox(the original kind. Yes, I still have one of those dinosaurs.)


I love Jet and Arc troopers especially. I just have somuch fun strategizing on how to get into the enemy base and then doing my reckless strategy and killing everyone else while barely staying alive. xD

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Gosh there are sooooo many!!


For the PC - Im gonna hve to go with the Monkey Island series (Curse of monkey island being my favourite, with Tales of monkey island pretty par). I also really enjoyed games like freddi fish, and puttputt, the incredible machine, and gizmos and gadgets growing up. :)


For the SNES - Def. donkey kong! and super mario bros.!! (The all stars was awesome, it had a whole bunch of games in it... gotta love yoshi!!)


I also really like all the pokemon games, and puzzle games are fun, right now I'm playing Professor Layton and the diabolical box! :) the curious village was fun too!! ooooh soo many games so little time!

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I've got to say Halo is probably my favorite, and that includes Halo 1, 2, and 3. I own all three of those and I've played ODST (which is awesome, in case you haven't), and they're a lot of fun.


Kingdom Hearts is another good one. I've played KH1, KH2, and KHCoM, and they were all pretty good.

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Wow...favourites eh XD ...I don't have "the" favourite but I have several:


Fire emblem (FE) the graphics are bad...but eh I love strategy games


Final fantasy VII, X, and can't wait for XIII versus.

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There are a lot of good games that I missed out on, because during the time I really got into video games all I ever played was sonic. :-( NOTHING ELSE.


Last game I played that I really liked was EarthBound for the Super Nintendo.

I also remember really loving Donkey Kong Country, Banjo-Kazooie and watching my mom obsessively play Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday.

And Animal Crossing for the Gamecube. I spent too much time on that game :B

The Sims 2 and 3 is also really fun to play if your computer doesn't suck like mine.

I liked a lot of sonic games but Sonic Adventure 2 is the best 3D sonic game because CHAO.


oh and some freeware games on the computer are really fun. Like Yume Nikki or Eversion.

But I never made it too far into Yume Nikki I'm a big baby. : (

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Hmmm. Favourite game, eh? I don't think I could pick an absolute favourite. Instead, here is my 'Top Ten' list, in no particular order:


1. Final Fantasy VI (SNES, PS rerelease)

2. Final Fantasy Tactics (PS)

3. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS)

4. Super Metroid (SNES)

5. Diablo II (PC)

6. Silent Hill (PS)

7. Tales of Destiny (PS)

8. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (PC)

9. Eternal Darkness (Gamecube)

10. The Legend of Zelda (NES) or Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) (I can't decide!)


As you can probably guess, I'm not really into newer games. They're mostly just eye candy. I'd rather have an immersive story than a pretty, 3-D environment. And I like game play to be easy enough that I don't have to actually think about it.

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I'm a big fan of casual sim games, mainly because I want to relax when I play. So stuff like Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing are my kinds of games. :D


But when I need to burn off some steam, it's arcade shooting games, where you're holding a plastic gun, that top the list. :3

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Cool everybody!

I've played Star Wars

I've have Halo, it's super duper dizzy!

My friend plays Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing.

I like Zelda. I have the Twilight Princess.

Iphone games are fun.

MArio is cool. I like lots of his games, like Super Mario Galaxy.


ANd what is FInal Fantasy? I've never heard of that game before


Sonic the Hedgehog games r da bomb!

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ANd what is FInal Fantasy? I've never heard of that game before

Final fantasy is probally the best RPG series of all time. FF1 is on the NES and 2,3,4,5,6 are on SNES 7,8,9 or one PS1, 10,11,12 are on PS2 and 13,14 are coming out on PS3 and there are a ton of spinoffs like crystal chronicles and tactics

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Final fantasy is probally the best RPG series of all time. FF1 is on the NES and 2,3,4,5,6 are on SNES 7,8,9 or one PS1, 10,11,12 are on PS2 and 13,14 are coming out on PS3 and there are a ton of spinoffs like crystal chronicles and tactics


I don't think I'd go so far as to say "best"(and I say this as a FF fan), but it's certainly one of the most popular, and has the most installments. They tend to be very fantasy-oriented(the newer ones have got a sci-fant slant to them), with spells and summoned monsters and things. The plots are usually of the "save the world from destruction" variety to a certain extent, as well. XD


I need to replay 9; a friend of mine has picked Kuja up in the AU roleplay I moderate and it's making me itch to play through again. XD


Oh hey there page two.

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Oh ok. Don't really know what a RPG is.

Can somebody tell me?

An RPG is a game where the player takes control of a fictional character and determine the outcome (they often have multiple endings) Examples you have probally heard of: Pokemon and you say you are an Sonic fan, so you may know about Sonic Chronicles: The Darkside Brotherhood for DS

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Oh ok. Don't really know what a RPG is.

Can somebody tell me?

RPG stands for Role-Playing Game. RPGs are typically long fantasy or sci-fi adventure games. The greatest defining feature of an RPG is that your character(s) improve in skill as your continue to play. Usually, there is a system of Experience Points (XP) being awarded for accomplishing certain tasks (usually successfully completing combat), and, after earning a set amount of XP, the character(s) will "level up" and get better at doing things (fighting, magic, skills, etc.). They tend to have large areas (even entire worlds) to explore. True RPGs will also have elements of character interaction, often requiring the player to make choices which will influence various things in the game.


Some popular examples of RPGs, other than Final Fantasy, are:


Kingdom Hearts


Dragon Quest

World of Warcraft

Pokémon (colour and gem games)




There's thousands of RPGs. Chances are pretty good that you've played one before.


I hope this explanation helps.

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