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Long time NP user, new to TDN


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hi everyone...

i've been playing neopets for 9 years now, with this account for over 8 and a half. i'm new to TDN so i just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. my name's alexandra, i'm a junior in college, and my favorite neopet is a cybunny (it's probably obvious because i have three of them)

i go through random time periods where i'm really into playing neopets, and then i get busy and don't log on for several months. now is obviously one of my neopet phases, and i'm looking to build up my avatar number. :)


so, how is everyone doing today?

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Hey, another 9-year player. :D I have those off-and-on Neopets moods, too; I was on hiatus for at least four years before coming back several months ago. Things are so different now than they were in the beginning. XD


Welcome to TDN!

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