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please help! against or not against the rules?


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please tell me, is it or is it not against the rules?


so...suppose i try to get basic job in faerieland employment agency, i refresh and when the jobs appear i right-click on every one of them and select "open in new tab".

it's much faster and there is much higher chance to get the job by doing this then just refreshing after every time when i didn't get the job.

logically thinking, i just use my browsers (firefox) given and ordinary function, not some sneaky cheating program. however, i don't want to risk my account, so...read the first question! :)

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I'm sure it's fine. TNT has said in the past that if you do something physically yourself(such as hitting f5 every five seconds) it's not cheating, while using a program to do the same thing(programming ReloadEvery to refresh every five seconds) IS cheating. I'm pretty sure that as long as you are doing it by yourself with no help every time, it's fine.

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