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I believe custom is a pet that is made to your request... Like if they say 1 million custom for trade, that means they are willing to spend 1 million NP to customize a pet for you (such as buying wearables or paint brush). FFQ UFT is Fountain Faerie Quest Up For Trade... That means they can paint your pet (almost) any color for you, since they received and finished a fountain faerie quest. If you transfer your pet over to them, they can take it to the fountain faerie and have it painted (almost) any color and send him or her back to you.

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there is a very handy artical on the site about all the abriviations it starts out reading out a bunch of diffrent text with someone going "holy mother of sloth' cant miss if, if anyone has the link to that.....

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If you transfer your pet over to them, they can take it to the fountain faerie and have it painted (almost) any color and send him or her back to you.


Isn't that against the rules? It would be the same thing as sending over a pet to have someone zap it for you.

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A custom is when they say they will pay (as an example) a 1mil custom. This means that they will get the pet you want and spend at most 1 million neopoints to paint that pet whatever color you would like within that range.


A FFQ (Fountain Faerie Quest) is a faerie quest you can get. When you accept it and give the faerie an item, it lets you turn your pet into ANY available color. Many people put their FFQ up for trade so that someone else can get their dream pet as well as them getting a nice pet in return.

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ya they're always coming up with new phrases that get confusing! :P lol.


I always thought custom was like ... if you wanted a blue chomby with halloween clothes they could do that. or a grey aisha with desert clothes

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ya they're always coming up with new phrases that get confusing! :P lol.


I always thought custom was like ... if you wanted a blue chomby with halloween clothes they could do that. or a grey aisha with desert clothes


That probably counts. XD As long as what you want falls within their stated price range, I don't see why you couldn't ask for a grey desert Aisha if that was what you wanted.


The first time I got a custom I was so confused. XD The player who did it for me was very patient and helpful though, and I'm so happy I traded with her(even though technically I traded down; she's trading the pet I gave her for a royal Draik custom, but I'm perfectly happy with my Jezuri). :3

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