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Hi everyone. I went out and bought 2 neopet plushies, the thing is I already have the space faerie as a challenger soooo....I've got 2 codes to give away. There are a few rules though.


1) Any item you get from the code you give to me. This month they are also handing out neopoints with the code so I would like those too. You just tell me how many neopoints you got from it and I'll put something up in trades for that amount. I just redeemed a code so I know about how much they are handin out. It's around 3-4K. Not much, but I'm saving up for a meowy.


2) You've got to have a high number of hit points for your pet. The Space faerie has 450 points so you have to have at least a chance at beating her. Your battledome stats should be rather good too.


3) Post your neopets username and the pet you would use to fight her with so I can check out your account so I can decide whether or not you qualify.


4)You must activate the code as soon as you get it, so I can get the item right away and there is no confusion. I will neomail you to make sure you are on neopets or not so we are both on at the same time.


5)Don't harass me. Don't neomail me uless I give you a code. I will block anyone who does this, there is a reason I didn't choose you.


My neopets username is lazycrazykitten, so I'll let you know if you won or not on here and I will neomail you.


Good luck to all hopefulls. ^_^


Hopefully you will find the two well qualified people. I got a very nice person to give me one even though i am just starting out as a battledomer.


Aww, that's very nice of you! ^_^


I wish my pet was strong enough to beat her. D:


Oh well, I hope you find two deserving people to give them, too. ^^


And I have no doubt that you will. c:


Hmm.. I'm still training so I doubt I'd be good enough. I don't mind the item I would get and have no trouble with giving it away, but I fear my kougra can hardly beat punchbag bob so far :P


Aw... Wish I could get it..


Ooooh, I would love to have the space faerie to battle, even though my pet isn't the strongest ^^; But still, no harm trying anyway xD;


http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Violin_Regina < This is my battledome pet


Out of curiosity, what product did you buy to get those codes? *only ever brought one plush*

Ooooh, I would love to have the space faerie to battle, even though my pet isn't the strongest ^^; But still, no harm trying anyway xD;


http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Violin_Regina < This is my battledome pet


Out of curiosity, what product did you buy to get those codes? *only ever brought one plush*


I'll put you up for consideration. Still waiting for others to sign up. I got the codes of a jumbo blue scorchio plushie (series one) and a Striped Elephante jumbo plushie. I guess now they are retired according to the neopets site, I actually got them on sale up at Walmart for $9 they are usually $15. I also got a jumbo purple Bruce a few months back (so cute). I gave the 2 new plushies to my neice. The only other one on sale was the red kacheek. I'm considering buying the kacheek too if there's still some left next time I go shopping. I also got a keyquest token plushie for $5 when they are usually around $8 it was the last one. So I figured I'd snatch them up when they were on sale. The plushies really are adorable. I kept the Bruce.


Thanks for the consideration ^^ completely understand if you find better candidates out there :)


Ah so its kinda random which product the space faerie code comes on, thats pretty lucky you got them on sale ^^ I've only ever seen the plush's once here, and brought it straight away xD lol


Wah, I would love to get that code, but my pet has too low stats *sighs* Ah well. Good luck! It's really nice of you to offer though :D

Hey Tre Le Coco, you still want that code? Since no one really seems interested I figured I'll give you my code! I'll try to contact you through neopets over the next couple days.
=D Sure thing! Thankyou very much ^^ Now i know what the neomail was for xD haha


oooh thats a very helpful guide too :O


Gosh I really hope theres still a code left when I message this. I'd really like to be considered, Ive been trying to get one for ages, but wehre I live they rarely ever have the merchandise, and its always the little KQ plushies...


This is my battledome pet: http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=weeshoyru my username is schorchio2


Ive beaten the meerca bros, and the black pteri this is the last battledome avie I need. Im constantly training my pet, trying to get up to the 125 level boost, also I do have a pretty good battledome set (including a scroll of freezing -instant freezer- and ppots)


Actually I just did give the last one away to Tre Le Coco. However, I am going shopping today so I might end up with one or two more, maybe. And Xepha thanks for the guide. I've never seen that one before. The only reason I had a higher stat clause is because I have seen people who are only 2 days old on neopets, that have like 4 avatars with a battledome pet that has like 7 hit points asking for a code. I didn't want to give it away to someone that it will take forever to get their stats up or will quit neo within the next week. I'd rather give it to an avid neo player who appreciates things.


Oh and stephanie23 if I get another one I'll give you it. I'm so jealous of all your pets. They are soo cute!


Edit: Okay so I went out and got another plushie. A kacheek! Stephanie23 I'm going to try and neomail you.


Once again, thank you thank you thank you! :)


and thanks about my pets.! :) I love them all as well! :) My favourite is my maraquan chomby for sure!


btw I LOVE your jetsam! so cute! :)


--oh and the space faerie has 550 np -- :P


Hi there!


ooooh.. If you end up giving any more away, I'd love a chance to get a code (I'm in Canada so can't get plushies in stores).


My username is Strawberri21 and my battle pet is Keliasha.


Thanks! :)

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