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Hello! Just came back from a break from neopets. Recently I've finished my secret laboratoy map, so I'm hoping to get some cool neopets from zapping away. Working on getting some avatars and items for my slorg gallery right now. Finishing up the Altador plot line, stuck on the petpet...

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Welcome to the forums. I am working on my grundo gallery. I want to make it huge that way it will eventually be in the spotlight some day hopefully. I just got my lab map too. Of course i still haven't gotten the avatar for it yet but soon. Good luck with the plot. It takes a long time. Especially when you get stuck some where.

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Welcome to TDN! Good luck with the Vaeolus mate, it can be a real pain in the behind. I just finished the Altador Plot last week, I was stuck for months at the water plant. When you get there send me a PM, there's a brilliant guide hidden in the forums here that helps you finish it in minutes, instead of flipping random switches for days. (That is after the petpet, right? lol)


- Apollo ^_^

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