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Season 6 is about to start! I can't wait for Monday!


I'm just curious how many other House fans there may be here. I love love love the show so much; I have all the seasons on DVD and have practically memorized half of 'em...


And I hope Hugh Laurie wins an Emmy on Sunday, too! As far as I know he's only been nominated, but never actually won.


So, for discussion topics... Any favorite quotes? Fav episodes, moments, characters, cases (patients) etc...? :D


As for season 6... I heard that

Taub will be quitting

and that

Mr and Mrs Dr Chase will be back on the team

. Anything else anyone heard of or predicts for this season?


Is anyone as excited as I am? Or am I just crazy obsessed? :)


I love House but am rather unsure about this season. How many times have we seen him try to overdose, and/or try to kill himself? Looks like that's going to be the case on the first episode.


So much has changed, but the stuff that needs changing remains the same. I understand that this is a television show, but they strive to be as realistic as possible but yet have House being a cat with 9 lives (or more).


They're kinda... stuck in a rut. Hopefully this season changes up some of the repetitive, stagnant storyline.


Two hours! *woooop!*


Hmm... Well, I don't think House would actually ever try to kill himself. That is to say, when he overdoses on purpose he does it either for a high or to fight his pain; suicide is illogical to him. That's what the Kutner episode was all about with House - he couldn't accept that Kutner killed himself because there is no rational reason for suicide, a decision like that is purely emotional.


And as for the drug problem being overdone, well... it's the main theme (besides the medical mysteries), so they can't just, you know, get rid of it... Probably the point when House is "cured" (unlikely) it would be the final season of the show.


The criticisms I can make are that I'm not a huge Huddy fan (rational man in love? doesn't feel right...) and the medical stories aren't as good in the fifth season. Especially that finale, with the guy whose left hand has a mind of its own... But since the first couple of episodes this season take place in a mental hospital, instead of the regular sick people hospital, the stories should be more interesting (a preview showed House trying to cure a fellow institute patient).


It's fifteen minutes til the season premier for me here in CA, so I'll find out soon how it'll be! And I'm so stoked!!!! :woot:


To me, it doesn't matter why he does these things, he's done them before, several times, and they've had the same story outline (if you will) for five or six seasons. It's on repeat.


Don't get me wrong, I love the show and thoroughly enjoyed this seasons premiere, one of the best yet, but it's kinda like... oh another season where someone attempts at preventing/stopping House from being a doctor or trying to get him sober. Boring! Because as you said, it's very unlikely that he's going to change.


Either have him change and have him practice as his 'new self' or it's time to get a new storyline.


Just my opinion but it remains on the most popular shows on television so yay! haha


What did you think of the premiere?


What did I think of the premiere? I loved it!!!!


It made me happy to watch it. Alot of times I get distracted from all the medical jargon and then can't stay glued to the tube, though I did this time. And I loved the juxtaposition of House and his smiley shirt at the end. :D A chuckle moment. I thought the romance was done nicely, too, and I usually am very skeptical about gushy kissy stuff (like Huddy...).


Anywho... Judging by the preview of the next episode it looks like Chase and Cameron really are back on the team, but it also looks like the jobs of 13 and Taub are in question.


I couldn't wait for today's episode, now I can't wait for next week. And I hope there are more House-Wilson moments. The one itty bitty one in this episode made me sad; will House be thankful towards Wilson for not enabling him for once? We'll see! :woot:


Sounds like you don't want House to be with anyone but yourself ;) ;) haha just kidding.

Their promos for this season have been amazing, from snakes on a cane images to the 'camping' ones. LOVE!


OK Im a BIG BIG fan! :) and I gotta say last nights episode was my FAVOURITE episode! Seriously. Im sad that it ended, it was just the best episode ever!!!

Sounds like you don't want House to be with anyone but yourself haha just kidding.

Their promos for this season have been amazing, from snakes on a cane images to the 'camping' ones. LOVE!


:D That's right!!!! lol ... No actually I really liked the German lady; much better than Cuddy. Don't get me wrong - Cuddy's one of my favorite characters (right after House and Wilson), but I don't think that she's right for House.


I would prefer that Cuddy stays the symbol for a single powerful mother, rather than ending up in a relationship like every other woman in the show, including the bi... er... bilateral one. (not sure about forum rules concerning mention of orientation?) I read that a lot of bi fans were upset that 13 ended up in a hetero ship, and I think that it might have made more sense if she didn't. (Actually I thought it was seriously disappointing and totally feeding the drama cliche when Foreman and 13 kissed in the Christmas episode.... I mean, really. Does every show need every darn person to make out?)


And I haven't seen the camping photos but I watched the video of the shoot and I really want to see them! :D They look like they're so funny!


I gotta say last nights episode was my FAVOURITE episode!


It's my favorite so far too!!! :woot:


The beginnings used to be fairly creepy... But I don't think they are that way with the newer seasons. They incorporate the regular characters in the teasers a lot more now, particularly since House ends up becoming the patient at least once per season (he gets shot... he gets high... etc etc). And then of course other characters who become patients: Amber, Thirteen, Foreman. Or when characters are involved with the patient, like Cuddy's roof worker.



Has anyone bought the premiere on iTunes? They split it in TWO so you have to pay DOUBLE!! (But of course I'll probably buy it anyway...)


lol he does end up being a patient every season doesnt he...


I still LOVED that first episode, I can't wait for this weeks, it looks so interesting. I really hope

he stays off vikaden



I hope so too. If not for his health (mentally/physically) then at least for the story line, because the vicodin thing is getting old. I'm hoping to see new ways of House funkyness, rather than the same old junkie line.


Did you hear


's leaving the show????!!!!! I just found out yesterday! AAAAAAGH!!! However...

Chase is staying

, so that means that there's a problem

with their marriage

and they might

end up in divorce

... Also, there's a clip on the Fox website of House

quitting to do research instead of diagnostics

so then I don't know how he factors into the next episode if that really happens. Oh! and

James Earl Jones

is the patient in

Episode 4

this season! I love him, he's so cool!! :D


:woot: I'm super super super obsessed with this show.... I even stayed up late to see Hugh Laurie on Jay Leno friday night. :weird:


OMG no really!? Maybe it will be like Greys anatomy

where George died

. Maybe they'll

kill Cameron off!

:( gosh I hope not. Or like whats up with One Tree Hill

where Lucas the narrator (and MAIN character) is just gone!?

rediculous. That would be like getting rid of House, and continuing the story of House MD. Or removing Clark Kent from Smallville.


I think he'll rejoin his job after a while, and I too really really hope that he doesnt go back on drugs, I would like him to return to the psych ward though! ;)


When Jay Leno told the audience about the rumor House was leaving the show, the audience freaked out. lol But then Hugh Laurie was like, "Oh no, no, no, no! I'm not!" But as for that other character leaving the show.... I'm interested to see how that rolls out...


PS I neofriended you!! :D


Steph, Chad Michael Murray left the show because he asked for an insane amount of money to renew his contract and got turned down. If he really cared about One Tree Hill, he'd take the money that was offered to him.


Anywho back to House haha..

I feel bad for people like

Jennifer and Jesse

. They really got the short end of the stick and I'm surprised that they have stuck around for so long. Still bitter about that plotline. Putting two loved and very popular characters on "hold" for two years? Stupid, horrible idea. Now it looks like Grey's Anatomy is taking that same route too.


I agree. Cameron and Chase are great characters to watch. I really liked season 4 because the fellowship-choosing process was entertaining to watch, but I still don't know how I feel about the new 3. And I never really liked Foreman than much...


The writers said that one of the reasons they changed up the trio is because it was Year 3, and fellowships typically last only about 2-3 years so it would not have been realistic to keep the same three characters on as fellows for so long, besides that they would not have been able to be very original with the characters' stories. You can only take a character so far before it becomes illogical or redundant (such as the Cameron/House ship).


When Chase got fired in season 3 is around the time I started watching House, and when I saw that episode I was distressed! But I kinda always thought Chase was a brat, and I like his character better now that House isn't his boss anymore. Actually, there really hasn't been a lot in the show building on Chase's character besides being Cameron's beau and having his Dad die. Oh, and he's allergic to strawberries... It's time for the writers to tell us more about him, IMO.


Ya I bought House on dvd, and I love watching the extra features, I remember them talking about why they mixed it up...


As for Chad - darn him - ... ugh why do people have to get so greedy! :(


Oh thats hillarious, I wanna watch that episode of J Leno now...


I too liked the fellowship-choosing episodes, it was really interesting seeing who was chosen (even the writers didnt know at first!!)


To be honest as long as Wilson doesnt leave I dont really care! :) (oh and House obviously!)

-- it would be cool if some of the ppl from the season opener could be regulars... lol


Anyways, ya soo excited for tomorrow night

and chelsea I accepted your NF request


Oh that reminds me!

Lucas - the Private Investigator from Season 5 - will reappear in Season 6!!

(Something to do with with Cuddy...)


I can't wait to see how that unfolds! I loved his character!! :D


really! :D wow I almost forgot about him, he was sooo cool!! :P Last nights episode was pretty good too I thought! :) I really cant wait for next week!!


This weeks was okay... I'm not into the House-isn't-there antics, and I was like, "What do you think you're doing, Foreman??!" when he went for the sacred House thinking-ball. And the patient was frustrating (I know that was probably the point but he was annoying anyway).


But it looks like they're kickin it old school next week! Yay I can't wait! (<-- A phrase I'm bound to say every week...)

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