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I remember reading about this ages ago but i have apparently changed the setting for the way i view the forum. It only shows the first persons post and i have to click on the other ones to open them. How/where do i have to go to change it back to normal? Thanks.


Sorry, I think i told you the wrong thing by mistake. I do believe you're using the "lo-fi verison" of the forums At the the bottom in the footer you should see something that says

This is a "lo-fi" version of our main content. To view the full version with more information, formatting and images, please click here.
Try clicking that.

At the bottom of my page it just says lo-fi version. I click on that and then i get the message you are saying. When i click on the click here it just brings me back to the same as before still in lo-fi version.


At the top of any threads, in the right corner, there is a 'options' button. Press it and select 'standard' under display modes. ;)


Thanks. I should of remembered that. You can close this thread now.


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