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I need answers NOW!


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So I logged into my side account and noticed that the user lyndsie911 had been online for 6 minutes. I haven't logged into my main account today. So I've been trying to log in, but it won't open my account. I think I've been hacked. I need a form right now. Where are the forms to get my main account frozen?


EDIT: I just sent a form to TNT giving info about my account, and I keep checking my main to see if my pets are still there. They are, so far. So anxious. *bites nails*


When is TNT going to freeze the account? Once they freeze it, I'll be more at peace with myself.


EDIT AGAIN: Oh... My... God... I've been hacked. I sent a form to TNT to shut down my main account almost an hour ago, and it never happened. I had 4.3 mil in the bank, and now I have nothing. I had 150NC that I was saving up for a very special purpose, and they spent it on a Floating Soup Faerie Doll. They cleaned out my SDB, my Inventory and my Shop. I'm just glad they didn't take away my neopets. And I don't know how long my main account is going to stay open much longer because of the form I sent to TNT. Now that the 'cracker' is out of my account, I don't want my main to be shut down, cause I might not get it back. And I have no idea how my 4.3 mil got away from me.


*sob* Neopets is a virtual game, what are 'crackers' really gaining when they ruin it for other people???

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Oh my! Aww... That's just so sad...


I was a hacker when I was 11 or something, was taught it was a fair way of making money. That was innocent and all but I don't think the people doing this are quite that innocent. They just want to ruin neopets...


Can I help you in any way? I would if I could.

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Well, TNT froze my account, so I sent in a form to get it back. So now I'm temorarily made my side account (lyndsie911may) my main. Hopefully I'll get my account back soon (if at all).


Can I help you in any way? I would if I could.


Thank you for the offer, and if you (or anyone) wants to send in a donation it's always welcome, but you don't need to do anything unless you really want to. I do appreciate your concern. :D


And the NC? Did you pay for it? I wouldn't mind too much because I got it for free. However, if I PAID for it I would've DIED!


The 150NC that I had on my account had been purchased, which means I did lose a little bit of money from an old card (I get my NC from those cards they sel at Target, and I've had that 150NC on my account for months).


I'm actually not freaking out too much anymore. I didn't lose my pets (which was the main goal) and thankfully avatars and trophies can't be moved. Most of my items weren't worth much (although I had several codestones and two twenty dubloon coins). The biggest hits were the 4.3 mil I've been saving up to get Adam and eventually paint Aquilamus Maraquan (which will be delayed a lot longer, now) & I feel like my security has been invaded (like when someone breaks into your home).

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Wow it almost sounds like what happened to me :(


The person took 9 million neopoints from my bank (still rebuilding sadly...) and nothing else (my pets, gallery, sdb, etc were still there thank goodness!)


Took me a week to figure out that they used those neopoints on the Hidden Tower since I never got the avatar until now :hmmph:


I don't know if I was hacked or whatever...but I really hope you get yours back soon!


TNT gave me back my account in a week exactly so maybe yours will be back as well around that time.

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CGers = Cookie Grabbers if I'm not wrong (was never too good with such abbrevations).


I think the loss of the codestones and dubloons shouldn't be the main thing for you to worry about.. Hope you don't have any UBs and other rare items costing millions @_@. I'd cry if I lose such items...


Imo, hackers get the satisfaction from robbing others, as well as a quick method of making fast cash perhaps? I have several friends who hack for the fun of doing so -.-. So yea... (they think neopets is too easy to hack so don't worry ^^;;)


Try recalling events you did which may have compromised your account? That's the most you can do now I guess... TNT won't return the items sadly but we can always help you if you need it :) Feel free to nm me to rant or anything (I'll try to reply ASAP).


Hope you do get your account back though! >.<

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Thanks for the support, guys! I received two personalized emails from support people at Neopets, so right now I'm answering their questions. I think this is a good sign because they both hinted at my account being returned. Yay!

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Thanks for the support, guys! I received two personalized emails from support people at Neopets, so right now I'm answering their questions. I think this is a good sign because they both hinted at my account being returned. Yay!


Very well! I hope they can give your account back soon! :)

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Don't worry too much you'll get your account back. Hopefully, you'll have it back soon. Too bad about losing all your neopoints, but at least your pets are safe. Just stay positive and try to be patient. In the meantime, just keep playing on your other account. It's best to stay busy, and you have a lot of neopoints to rebuild. Let me know if you need anything.

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Very well! I hope they can give your account back soon! :)
I second that.



Glad to hear you'll be getting it back soon! ^__^


A few people I know are having the same problem....wish there was some better way to protect ourselves from this ever happening again :(

I know. It's scary to think that you can lose your hard earned things and Pets to greedy people.
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Once again, thank you guys so much for all the support!


Don't worry too much you'll get your account back. Hopefully, you'll have it back soon. Too bad about losing all your neopoints, but at least your pets are safe. Just stay positive and try to be patient. In the meantime, just keep playing on your other account. It's best to stay busy, and you have a lot of neopoints to rebuild.


I'm actually looking forward to start building up my np again.


Let me know if you need anything.


Thanks for the offer. :)


Glad to hear you'll be getting it back soon! ^__^


A few people I know are having the same problem....wish there was some better way to protect ourselves from this ever happening again :(


I know. It's scary to think that you can lose your hard earned things and Pets to greedy people.


I wish there was a better way of protection too, sadly all anyone can do is be very cautious about where they go on Neopets, and even at that there's always going to be a risk of someone hacking into your account. I was always careful to check links and I still got hacked.


One sad thing about this is that not only was this 'cracker' greedy, but I believe one of the reasons they hacked in was just to ruin the game for me. After all, you can't send NC items to other accounts unless you have a gift box wrap, and they spent mine anyway.


The really bad thing about all of this was that my Neo pword and my email pword were the same, so not only did I they hack me on a gaming site, they hacked into my personal 'mailbox', which could've led to identity theft. Thankfully, the only personal information they might've found through my emails and profile on my email is my full name. That just shows how much I hate revealing PI over the net.

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Ah I'm sorry that happened. I'd recommend setting up a PIN though. It'd help a lot. If you had a PIN, said cracker wouldn't have been able to take your money or items in your SDB.


I did have a PIN in place, and no one would've known it except me. I had a PIN on my bank and SDB and pound and everything else, but they still took most of that stuff. :(




TNT has given me my account back after two days. I am very happy, especially because all my pets are still on my account. They did not replace my items or np, but I wasn't expecting anything like that. I'm just glad it didn't take them long! Now to start rebuilding...

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I'm so sorry to hear that. I would recommend setting a PIN on those things next time just to be safe. Its so much harder for a hacker to know both a pass and a pin.


And don't shut down your main! Just clear all of your cookies, change the password, and try to rebuild. Its no use putting the account to waste with good neopets on it.

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I'm so sorry to hear that. I would recommend setting a PIN on those things next time just to be safe. Its so much harder for a hacker to know both a pass and a pin.


And don't shut down your main! Just clear all of your cookies, change the password, and try to rebuild. Its no use putting the account to waste with good neopets on it.


I did have a PIN in place, and no one would've known it except me. I had a PIN on my bank and SDB and pound and everything else, but they still took most of that stuff.





TNT has given me my account back after two days. I am very happy, especially because all my pets are still on my account. They did not replace my items or np, but I wasn't expecting anything like that. I'm just glad it didn't take them long! Now to start rebuilding...


I would never shut down my main without giving people my beautiful pets.

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