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Grey Hissi up for Adoption :)


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Hi all,


I've posted within my guild for a happy home for my grey Hissi Goldeeh but to no avail - can someone give her a good home? I think she's sick of being zapped by the lab ray by now that's why she looks so sad lol.


Send me a message to my Neopets account (User dobbie_dobz) if you'd like a chance at adopting her - I will ONLY send her by transfer as I don't want to just dump her in the pound so the usual transfer rules apply (account over certain age, no other transfers made in the last month, blah blah blah).


Let me know if you're interested!




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Good luck finding a good owner! If you haven't found an owner yet, I recommend Stephie23 (the poster above me. :P)

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Congrats to whoever does adopt her! :) .... If no one does by October I'd like to apply again...


also donating it to TDN avatar lending program is a really good idea...

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  • 3 years later...

omg i will totaly her ive been wanting a hissi for a long time but they'er limidation so i cant just create one if your still looking to give her away ill gladly take her :thumbsup:


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