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Sign Up For Evony


Sorry to do another one of these, but I just started playing Evony an on-line real time strategy game, and I need help gathering referrals or I won't be able to complete some of the quests that require coins. There are two free codestones in it for anyone who creates an account and leaves me their Neopets username. Or if you don't need/want codestones and you have a particular item in mind that is 5k or less I will gladly send you that instead, just mention it in your reply post.



We Could Be Yours! And All You Have To Do Is Sign Up For Evony...


BTW, http://Penguin-Clover.evony.com is the link to sign up as one of my referrals, so if you actually end up loving the game and want to invite your friends, please send them that link when they join. You don't have to actually play Evony in order to help me out, but I think a lot of Neopets users would actually really enjoy the game. Especially if you like castle defense games, or real time strategy games. It may seem overwhelming at first, but the tutorial is good and you get seven days to get the hang of things before your actually start battling any other users.


Thanks In Advance For All Your Help!


I just signed up as stephie23 :)


I've been training weeshoyru alot lately, so I'll do pretty much anything for a codestone ( I made a big mistake and its 3 codestones to try and get my defence up to snuff *cries*)


username: schorchio2


Registered. Signed up under the lord name Mumbling.


Neopets name is iriskuppen of course.


I know I thanked you via neomail, but thanks again! :D super happy with my prize.


ooooh I have a question, what do the coins do for you? do you get something really cool?


There are "power ups" that you can buy with coins. They speed up building, increase production, improve your heroes, things like that. You also have to pay coins for the ability to speak on the work chat channel, which I think is very lame, but it's the rules, and I guess it limits spam. I recommend saving any coins you get because there are quests in the game that would be very hard to complete without your coins, and you don't want to have to pay real money for them.


Hmm can you transfer coins to people? I dont really plan to play, and I dunno if you start with any, but I'd give them to you if I could...


you have a particular item in mind that is 5000k or less I will gladly send you that instead, just mention it in your reply post.


A blue draik egg. Haha. Yeah right. Anyways, I'll sign up, My neopets account is MoonShine_Cat1 and I'll sign up with SilverGaze. Thanks.

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