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Yeah a miniskirt. Lol!

This is really odd;


It's a simple little game, in which one of your friends is having a birthday party, and other students will have to give a birthday present. If your friend accepts the gift, the student will then be allowed to come to the birthday party.


Your Friend: "What will you give to me?"

Kimberly: "I'll give you a necklace."

Your Friend: "Nope. You're not invited. Next?"

Ryan: "I'll give you a roasted chicken as an addition for the dinner."

Your Friend: "Okay then, you're invited. Next?"

Lizz: "I'll give you a lighter."

Your Friend: "I don't smoke, but you're invited anyway. Next?"


Now it's your turn. So what should you give to your friend so he/she will invite you?


P.S: I would bring a MELON.


1st guess:I'll give you lechon!lol lechon is a big roasted pig.2nd guess:umm..cranberry sauce whatever it is since it sounds like thanksgiving except we don't have that holiday


No. o_O You can also say why they would bring the items. :)


Tricky you hint at the end really helped. Each person has to bring an item with the first letter of their name as the first letter in the name of their gift. So i would bring a Chocolat bar (Best thing starting with C i could think of =) )


Kikaown, your name starts with 'W'?


Marcy has a date to a upcoming prom. She and her friend Diana had made a secret code, so Marcy wrote a secret note to Marcy. Marcy's dad came in hours later and found the note that Marcy wrote. The boy's name that was on the note was smeared out. The note said:

Dear Diana,

??? asked me to the dance!




A few days later, Marcy brought up the secret note up to her Dad and asked to see if he could translate the name of the boy. It was the same note as the other one Marcy's Dad had read a few days before. The note said:

V)*. V~*=*,

~*= *$#v)v +) d\\ d@) v*=])!




A few days later, Marcy's Dad came up to her and told her the boy's name. It was Ian. Marcy was shocked! How did Marcy's Dad know?


Er.. . . . *runs* :P


What word does not belong to the group below? Why?









Huh. Yeah, it is. But the answer was the counter clockwise.


A man walked into Sam and Ellas's Cafe and sat down at a table exactly two and one quarter feet from the window.

The first waitress with straight hair came over to take his order but he sent her away and asked for the waitress with curly hair to take his order.

He ordered a cucumber and cheddar cheese sandwich, a cup of cuban coffee and a chocolate chelsea bun.

After taking the order the curly haired waitress immediately said,

"You must be in the army".

She was right, but how did she know?


I don't know about that last one, but for the previous one, I was going to say CD's, because all of the others have five letters/characters, if you count apostrophes as a character.


Lol, yeah. That is the weridest thing. So is this one.


The part of the bird

not in the sky,

which can swim in the ocean

and always stay dry.


Yu-huh. Itsn't that odd? This is also pretty weird. I'm just weird.


Here's a riddle you can solve with ease.

You have to think, but if you are wise,

Take note of the special words I use.

You must use your ears and not your eyes.


It's one of a kind, no debt it owes.

What's unique? The answer you must seize.

Although it would help to see some jays,

I'm not talking of the birds and bees.


As you search through two not seven seas,

Note each line ends like a pair of peas.

Don't wait to answer, there are no queues.

You should know by now, I'm such a tease.


Well the end of each line sounds like the plural of a letter.


Line 1: E

Line 2: Y

Line 3: U

Line 4: I

Line 5: O

Line 6: C

Line 7: J

Line 8: B

Line 9: C

Line 10: P

Line 11: Q

Line 12: T


I can't make any sense of the riddle itself though.


Lol! Me either. I reckon it's just to confuse people.


A man has just finished painting his house and needs something. He goes to a hardware store and asks for help in finding what he needs. The clerk shows him where the objects are and tells him that they cost $1 each. The man says: "I'm taking 600, so here's $3." What did he buy?

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