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Brain Teasers!


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Frost = condensation


Condensation = created when heat cools down. Because (I'll assume) it was cold, condensation would build up on the inside, when heat (again, from the inside) meets the window and is cooled down by the cold air on the other side.

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That's right. We're learning all this stuff about water, because of the big drought in Australia.



Shaley was devastated. Last night her father died and left her $100,000. Her father left a note to where the money was, but she couldn't understand what it meant. She immediately called Detective Bowen.


When Detective Bowen arrived, he took the note from Shaley. It said:


Take 21 tissues off the desk.

You will see 14 pictures on the 4th floor.

Go 5 steps to your left.

Proceed down 18 stairs.

Take 20 paces towards the study.

You will see 8 stone eagles, 5 of which are flightless.

Tell them each 13 stories of 1 pirate.

After that, spin around 19 times.

Walk 20 steps outside to the 5th tree you see.

There will be 18 branches by the 2nd water fountain.

Finally, you should see 5 girls and 4 boys.


"I don't understand what he wrote in his letter, Detective", Shaley said, "it doesn't make any sense!"


"Don't worry", said Detective Bowen, "I know exactly where your money is."


How does Detective Bowen know where the money is?

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Detective Bowen knew where the money was because he is a smarty-pants.


But I am too, so I know where it is. It's under the master bed!


(each number corresponds to a letter of the alphabet. 1=a, 2=b...)

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xD! Lol, Eric, you're too smart! I'm just going to look for an extra hard one now.


*sighs* I guess this is a bit harder. Kind of like the last one, though.


Bob Sr. the alchemist had recently died. He invented only one magic potion, the Cingumbulating Stone 2001. It had the power to make any metal into gold (just like the Philosopher's Stone). It was nowhere to be seen. However, he seemed to have left instructions on how to make it:


Take 12 toenails,

Add 5 nincompoops,

Mix that with 14 salads.

Next add 9 icicles,

2 dead frogs,

And 6 wet rocks.

Finally, put 14 cats in,

Along with 12 ace of spades,

7 diamond bracelets,

And 9 monkeys' paws.


His son, Bob Jr., will not receive the inheritance of the ultimate stone if he cannot figure out this puzzle. Can you help him?

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Gosh, you're smart! I thought that one was really hard. :D


I am not a human, nor am I an animal.

I have eyes, but cannot see,

and I have hair that you cannot comb.

My brown skin has several layers but this seems a paradox,

because one is smooth and the other is hard.

My skin protects my soft white flesh;

and within my flesh is my opaque blood.


What am I?

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Yeah! But to be honest, I kind of like the potato answer. :P


Every nation do I know,

But so rarely do I go


Sometimes people

Come and stare,

Touch me here,

And poke me there,

Spin me round,

Then leave me alone

When what they sought,

They have found.

What am I?

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Yeah. Sorry that was so easy! I just like onmes that rhyme. :D I'll make this a different type. This isn't from Braingle, it's from a really old riddle book I have. I think it's pretty easy.


An old man was standing in the middle of a town. Suddenly he took out a piece of square, white cloth. He burned that. People looked startled but didn't do anything too drastic. He then burned a piece of red cloth. So people were like, 'weird', but did nothing. He then did that with a pink cloth, deep blue cloth, yellow cloth, and beige cloth. Then he took out a green cloth and burned that. He was took into court and questioned. Why?


:O! Pyromaniac!

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