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Sorry guys i kept you waiting and his Name was Jason! Take the first letter from the 7th to 11th month







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Uh. . .a puzzle thingamajig. A thing that you have to unsolve that usually dooesn't really make sense unitl you unscrable it, and it's usually a common phrase. :)

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Yes! Lol, Isabel so close. ;)


In September, you pick me when I'm good and ready.

In October, you cut me intentionally to make me look worse.

In November, you trash me like you never knew me.


What am I?

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Lol, sorry 'bout that. :* This one will be better.


Detective Leong was involved in a murder investigation. In the suspect's house, the only thing he found useful was a password protected computer and a piece of paper nailed to the wall. He suspected that the paper was the answer to accessing the computer, but could not figure out what the password is.

Written on the paper was "ShE IS ILL".

Do you know what the password is?

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Actually, if you turn it 90 degrees of something like that.

Gosh. . it is old. Should It be closed?


A grammar teacher is giving a lesson about how to use short words, like I, is, the, and, etc. in a sentence correctly. The teacher tells the class to use a sentence with at least 5 short words. One boy raises his hand and says, "I is-". The teacher said, "No, always say 'I am'." So the student says his sentence with "I am" at the beginning, but this makes the sentence incorrect. What could the boy have been trying to say?


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I is a one letter word.


It may be old, but it is active. We would just make another one. Its like the off-topic board, but not off-topic.


Isn't it 180 degrees? upside down? Turning it sideways wouldn't make any sense.

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I think the answer would be something like this: I is the ninth letter in the alphabet. If you switch is with am it reads: I am the ninth letter in the alphabet,which is incorrect.

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Yeah. You guys are really good with English!! A way harder one:


Hmm. . .maybe it is. o_O.


The following is a famous saying in big words. Can you translate it back to the original?


Scintillate, scintillate, globule of vivific

Fain would I fathom thy nature specific

Loftily poised above the capacious

Closest resembling a gem carbonaceous.

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I had no idea. o_O.


A man is looking at a picture and says:

"Sisters and brothers have I none,

But that man's father was my father's son."

Who is in the picture?

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