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Yeah! That one was a weird one. :) xD, interesting answer anna. Would they hire blind police??

I just finished reading Sherlock Holmes, so naturally. . . .


One snowy night, Sherlock Holmes was in his house sitting by a fire. All of a sudden a snowball came crashing through his window, breaking it.

Holmes got up and looked out the window just in time to see three neighborhood kids who were brothers run around a corner. Their names were John Crimson, Mark Crimson and Paul Crimson.

The next day Holmes got a note on his door that read "? Crimson. He broke your window."

Which of the three Crimson brothers should Sherlock Holmes question about the incident?

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The Answer is Mark.Because the note would read: Question Mark Crimson.He broke your window


I'll just wait to see whatever others think, cause nobody's answered yet!! :(


yea same thing as crash said...


Well, okay. Here's a new one:


Once upon a time, in the West Lake village, a servant lived with his master. After service of about 30 years, his master became ill and was going to die. One day, the master called his servant and asked him for a wish. It could be any wish but just one. The master gave him one day to think about it. The servant became very happy and went to his mother for discussion about the wish. His mother was blind and she asked her son for making a wish for her eye-sight to come back. Then the servant went to his wife. She became very excited and asked for a son as they were childless for many years. After that, the servant went to his father who wanted to be rich and so he asked his son to wish for a lot of money. The next day he went to his master and made one wish through which all the three (mother, father, wife) got what they wanted. You have to tell what the servant asked the master.


Yeah, I know it can have a lot of answers, but the most accurate one.


He asked for every one to disappear?!


Did he wish for his family's dreams to come true?


I've heard this one before but i wanna see if someone else can get it since i've been getting alot of them lately and if nobody gets it and Myriad gives me permission i'll post the answer.


*waits* I want the answer. So i can see what it is. I ..........MUST...RESIST...CHEATING. XD


i already cheated and got hte answer.. i deffinatly would have never thought of it... GL to those that think outside the box for these kinda ones ^_^


He wished for a son, who would become a brilliant scientist that researches a cure for blindness and makes lots of money.


EDIT: I cheated and got the answer. Seriously, someone who gets this correct must be absolutely brilliant.


No, actually. o_O But still, cool answer, Crash, go ahead!


GRRR... Somebody reveal the answer. Please I must know. But i do no want to cheat.


He wished.............. His mother could see her grandson swinging on a swing of gold.



It's really random.


No offense but that was a dumb answer. Who ever made the riddle should be run out of town by an angry mob. *sharpens pitchfork lights torch*


you sure you arnt saying its dumb just because you couldnt guess it?


No. That was one of the most out of the box questions ever.


Well it was a lateral thinking one. Or maybe it was mystery? o_O


My greatest power is in my jaw,

I have no wing or foot or paw,

Be afraid if you hear my backside shake,

Now what am I, for Heaven's sake?

My greatest power is in my jaw,

I have no wing or foot or paw,

Be afraid if you hear my backside shake,

Now what am I, for Heaven's sake?

Is it a rattle-snake?


uhh...a shark!!!the great white shark!it doesnt have a wing or foot or paw.....and its good with the mouth also i thought it was a blind officer caus the ppl who hired him didnt know they just thought that he wore sunglasses cauz it looked cool


No its a rattle snake.


Lol, yeah. :P


Melissa sat in the office of Detective Sing.

"I met a man yesterday," she said. "He's trying to raise funds for Kids with Cancer by driving non-stop around Australia. He says he did it last year; drove to all the Australian Capitals in two and a half weeks. He says that he wants to try and break that record this year, and that if he does, the Australian Government will give a $10,000 donation to the charity. The only problem is that he needs funds to pay for the car, petrol and food. He's asked me for an initial donation of $2,000. What should I do? Should I give it to him?"


Detective Sing paused for a moment. "You could give him the money," he said. "But I don't think it will help the charity."

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