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Lol! I think I did one like that already. :P The answer is "Z"! Many people think it's in xylophone, cause it sounds like there is a 'z' in it.


A young boy went to a Catholic school. During school he started goofing around. So the teacher called him out and sent him to the Pastor. Since this was a traditional school the boy would be spanked. But the Pastor believed in giving people a chance. He said,"If you can ask me a question about something you learned and I don't know the answer on the spot you will go free."

The boy may have been lazy, but he was very witty. He asked,"What is it that you can see and I can see, usually everyday, but God cannot see." The Pastor stood there, stumped. He couldn't figure it out because he strongly believed that God sees and knows all, and that there is only one God.The boy smiled and told him.


What was it?

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Yes, that's right, Anime! :P


A very mean king went to a nearby village. He wanted some more slaves to serve him at his royal palace. He decided that if any family in the village had more than five children, he would take them. A cobbler and his wife had ten children. When the king came to take them, the cobbler and his wife begged and begged. Finally the king said, "I see that you have ten pairs of shoes in a box. If you can give each of your children a pair and still leave one pair out of ten in the box, you can keep your children. The cobbler and his wife began to smile at each other. How did they keep all of their children?

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Ronnie was right! :)


Can you figure out these common expressions?


1. The second letter of the alphabet + the opposite of more + a female sheep


2. The 16th letter of the alphabet + to rent


3. A stinging insect + to dig ore out of the ground


4. Former + sticks used for pool + not you

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Yaas, those are right. Since you didn't do the last one, i'll just post a new one. :)


I hover out there in darkness unseen.

I will shred things to pieces 'till they're just smithereens.

I might serve as a gateway to places unspoken,

Yet I'm sealed off to man, forever unbroken.

I twist and distort, only darkness escapes,

I destroy all I find, and

Whatever I take.


Edit: Lol! No, it's Ex-cuse-Me!

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Lol, it's actually a black hole (go Ellie!), but I think a worm holw would suit, too. :)


Here I sit upon your chest,

Or perhaps your neck I make my nest.

A gift, a token, perhaps a safe

Where I rest may yet be chafed.


I sometimes glitter, sparkle, too

But I am not always golden.

Set with precious things whose

Presence may embolden.


I may have a chain, yet I'm free

On display for all to see.

How easily I could kill,

If strangulation was your will.


Beautiful or sentimental,

Usually I'm ornamental.

I have a name, it is true,

But has it yet come to you?

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Damn. That one was too easy.

Um. I don't even know the answer to this riddle. We shall ponder over it together.


Sid Snoop had an aunty who was so forgetful, she would send him the same letters over and over again. One week, the postman delivered the following from her. There were only 3 different letters;

Monday 0 letters,

Tuesday 2 letters,

Wednesday 0 letters,

Thursday 3 letters,

Friday 0 letters,

Saturday 2 letters,

Sunday 1 letter.



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I just had a great idea! Do you guys know the Perseus test? That was just question one. You guys can do it, and see your score at the end! YAY! Now, to wait for people to join . . .

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