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Brain Teasers!


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Ohhh It just hit me i know what it is (hehehe I won't say it though) Its hard to get to though and i wanna see if anyone can get it.



EDIT:By The Way My Health Class Helped Me get The Answer

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Yeah. I think Ellie won that one, because she PM'd it to me. I'm trying it, but the ice-cream is beckoning. . .xD Did you really eat just plain celery? I don't really like it that much.


My history is long in telling,

Though my origins are unknown.

I watch the tender earth most carefully,

Clothed in discards long disowned.

I guard against the raucous poachers,

Praying for a gust of wind that will animate my lifeless form.

The autumn winds will signal the completion of my job.

Maybe if I had a brain I'd choose to move south for the winter.


Who am I?

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I think I know what this one is... A Scarecrow



oooo thats a good answer, if it isnt it then i have no idea what it would be.. notthat i was thinkigno n the right track anyways..

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Yuh huh. I didn't get that without the clue.


A man leaves home on foot one evening, makes three left turns and arrives back home to find two masked men waiting there. Who are they?


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Oi! i was so not thinking out of the box enough on this one(looked up the answer)

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Lol! Uh, that was was kikaown. Thanks crash for that. ;)


An elderly pool attendant is starting to get sick of having to open the swimming pool every Monday, so he decides that the pool will remain closed on Mondays from now on. Being of reasonably limited English, he makes up a sign which he hangs from the front gate. What's special about his sign?



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that if he puts the sign up upside down it still says the same thing ^_^

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Oh well, you can answer the next one! And that was hard, I didn't get it either. . .


A one-armed bandit is sitting quietly in an airport, having just taken $200 from an old man. Kristy, who watched the bandit take the old man's money, walks over and takes $1000 from the bandit. Even though a police officer witnessed both these events and the bandit made enough ruckus to alert everyone in the vicinity to what happened, Kristy was able to keep the $1000 and the old man didn't get his money back. Why?

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Just like every riddle you put up i read it about a binjillion times and it finnally hit me and the answer is (so i think the answer is)....


The one armed bandit is a slot machine.The old man spent $200 on it a got nothing back. And Kristy is a luck gambler.



(well it half way made sense to me because im a 13 year-old who has been to vegas and seen this same set-up just witouht the $1000 :D)

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