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Sophie's hand color...

Guest �strophysicist

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Guest �strophysicist

Yeah, I am not sure if you have noticed or not but in older images of Sophie she has black fingers, but in the plot she has green fingers...






So... what color are her hands suposed to be?


It looks like she's wearing gloves of some sort- here, let me check the pic of a green ixi.

Edit- Well, ixi's don't have fingers...


The black looks like it's sposed to be modified hooves. I really love her artwork now, she's quite beautiful! Especially the young her with the Neovia look. I prefer her green fingers. Maybe her fur grew over the hoove/paws like moss! Rock. :guitar:


Edit! Wait! I just noticed in your avatar stand...even in the images from the comic she has some black and some green! She must have to shave her mossy hand fur daily like a beard :P hehehe

Guest �strophysicist


I just noticed that, hmmm. Maybe I should ask this in the NT editorial.


Edit: Here is the question I submited.

"In older images of Sophie the Swamp Witch, she has black fingers. Now in the plot comics her hands change back and fourth between black and green. When she first sees Bruno her hands are black. When she reads her spellbook to find the potion her hands are green. So what color are her hands really suposed to be?"

I think it's a goof.


I think it's a yellow star!!! goof too.

TNT just thinks we won't notice such small detail, ***which I didn't***.

I think they're gloves which she doesn't always wear :P




I'm with that theory. I always thought they were gloves.


Maybe.. its Sophies TWIN! tehehe j/k. :)


Maybe I took a sharpie and colored her fingers black on the comics. Oops!


Ops i thought the black part was her hoves my bad.

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