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It's the "Please go bump my topic" thread.

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Basically, if you have an old topic that isn't too old to post on yet, say so here and put a link so someone can post. Yup.



Could someone bump these, please?


http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?showtop...mp;#entry271510 - My guide to neo thread.

http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?showtopic=16059 - VPN

http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?showtopic=15866 - Refferal help


ooooh this is a nifty idea :P lol. Ummm all of my posts ;)


*leaves room to edit in a specific post for later*


(ps. I miss the Island mystic post... it was the only reason i ever went to see the mystic)


Super Squirrel, two of those threads have gone past the "too old to post" date.


I'm a bit iffy about this thread, it gives a lot of room for spam and necroing. We'll be keeping an eye on it, but just know that if this gets to be a problem, it will be closed.


EDIT: A few more days for those last two threads, if you have something useful to say. Then you won't be allowed to post there anymore.


Ok, and I can see wee why. But, there are alot of interesting topics that people forget about, and disappear.


Ryan, you must continue the full on war over at the forum fun threads :evil:


Well I agree that this thread has the potential to become a problem...

But it's not unlike the "egg help" topics. Saving an egg isn't really less spamish than saving a topic.

So at least whilst this topics is here: I have a few of my things I'd rather not see disappear.



If you have something of value to contribute, these topics could use some help:

TDN Fan Art Gallery

New Game Challenge Counters

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